Modari Member


  • I just started week 4 and am AMAZED at the results already. I can fit into clothes that I couldn't fit into a month ago!! I didn't weigh myself or measure, but can see definite changes and I still have just under a week to go. Good luck everyone!
  • I just did workout one of this DVD today and I have to say - it is AMAZING. I had so much fun doing it, I can't wait to do it again. The moves are a little complicated, but if you take the tutorial before you start the workout it really helps. I really like that she has 6 different girls doing the workout - it really pumps…
  • Hey everyone! This group looks amazing - I think it's exactly what I need to keep me on track. My name is Miranda - I'm 31 and a grad student. I started using JM DVDs (30DS) about 3 years ago and had amazing results. I started at 213 pounds and went down to 170. Over the years I added more DVDs to the mix - NMTZ, BFBM, YM,…
  • I find that it helps my balance when I pick one spot to look at and do not look away from it for the whole exercise. It really makes you focus. And I am pretty sure she is saying "root your leg into the ground" (not 'crowd) - lol. :smile:
  • I do levels 1 and 2 back to back three times a week (also do 'Banish fat boost metabolism' three times a week). I have to say, I do not think that level 2 is any harder than level 1. In fact, I think the two workouts compliment each other really well when done together. Good luck everyone!
  • Green leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli, etc.) are high in iron. Make sure you eat them with some vitamin C (a squeeze of lemon, etc.) for optimum absorption. There is a really great vegetarian iron supplement called Floradix in liquid form that I take everyday - it is made entirely of herbs, fruits, and vegetables - it…
  • This summer I passed out after working out (I was in the library though and not the gym - maybe a little less embarrassing). I went to the doctor and had my iron levels checked. Turned out that my iron was very very low and I did not have enough iron in my blood to sustain how much exercise I was doing. I'm on iron…
  • I have been doing Levels 1 and 2 back-to-back 3 days a week and 'Banish Fat Boost Metabolism' 3 days a week for the past 2 weeks. I am already noticing great results! I agree with the other posters in that this should not be your only workout. I recommend 'Banish Fat' for cardio - it's a killer! If you are looking to tone…
  • I agree - I personally think it is too extreme. I went to one class with my husband and could not walk up and down stairs for 4 days afterwards. I was in so much pain that I could not do the daily exercise that I do (bike riding, yoga, running) so we never went back. I know a few people who have become absorbed into the…
  • I used to be a major coffee addict also. I kicked the habit about 7 months ago. A Naturopath told me that coffee taxes the adrenal system and makes your body product cortisol (a stress response). When your body is producing too much cortisol it is near impossible to lose weight, tone muscles, get a proper night's sleep,…
  • This is great to hear! I have been mostly vegetarian (I occasionally eat free range chicken/fish) for nearly 15 years. I decided to become a vegetarian when I was 15 after reading "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins. My husband is vegan so I really only know how to cook vegan foods. I have been experimenting a lot…