chjones21 Member


  • I am starting too. I don't know quite what to do to lose weight!??! I only want to lose a couple of kilos - maybe 7 pounds but I haven't done it before. I think my weight gain is stress/sadness related but as I can't seem to resolve the stress or the sadness, I can probably do something about the weight. Where do you start…
  • Thanks HeavenlyB Your food diary seems similar (although better) to the style I eat too. So that's really handy. You are better with the supplements I think. One thing I want to ask (a technical question) how on earth did you do this: Aubergine, courgette, tomato, green bean, celery, onion, mushroom, carrot, swede, spinach…
  • thanks Deliverat - you have some great links (if only I can learn to read 'em right!) there.
  • Thank you KinoM --- will check it out. And glad you pointed me in the right direction re. the protein too ..... well, I guess at least it makes more sense now.
  • Oh! Well there you go --- maybe I should try reading it properly next time. Oh dear. Thanks for heads-up.
  • Hi Eastern Echo thanks for your post and those between you and the_deliverat all v useful input to balance out - I find I am quite often under the 1200 calorie amount (not because I am trying to lose weight - I just don't eat all that much as a general rule) and get that warning from MFP that I am going into starvation…
  • That is fascinating!! Quinoa has 26. and pork chop only 5. ---- I never would have guessed that in a million years. I always think of protein as a meat based thing (or rather have always thought of - now I know better). Even Kale is up in the 15.s or so. Wow. Who woulda thunk it!?! thanks Deliverat. Very informative.
  • Thanks Moondazed and Chelsarr for the tips. And thanks also for the invite Chelsarr, I have asked to be added as a friend - you will be my first friend on MFP :-)!!
  • Great gonna up my intake of nuts and seeds. The greens I eat a fair amount of anyway ... thanks Yogasvelte
  • I LOVE green veg! Practically my staple food. Green beans with butter and black pepper - yum. Cale. Cabbage. Leeks. Courgette risotto etc etc. Thanks v much for info of the Rda being 46 grams - am going to keep that figure as the one I monitor. Not worry too much about the percentage here despite the fact it would please…
  • Hi thanks linnaea ... Yes, I do eat eggs. I ate two this morning in a hope to up my protein percentage but think that got offset by the two slices o buttered toast "soldiers" I had to go with it!! It seems tricky to get the right amount of protein. I am not worried too much about the fat - I don't really gain weight but…
  • Hello Jo i do have a lot to learn, that's for sure! I didn't do the c and j today. I did some dead lifts and then separately some over the head lifts. Training at my gym I think you have to pay extra for personal advisor (and it is fairly expensive just having the membership!) so think the five x five and rely a little on…
  • Thanks rtuck. Have looked it up and tried it out (as I understood it) today. I didn't do the barbell row but did the squats and bench press ..... It was very, very, very crowded at the gym today because I went after five. I will go in the morning on thurs (as I work from home Tuesday, weds and thurs). It was a bit…
  • Fugeela. My favourite singer at the moment is Adele - she is a beautiful girl with a great voice (in my opinion). All sizes and shapes can be beautiful - I was on the tube the other day (packed with downtrodden commuters) and the most glamorous person in my carriage was a much larger than average person - she just glowed…
  • Thanks Ellie - I realised also I wasn't dead lifting exactly. I was doing what I thought weightlifting was ie taking it from the floor to over my head (must have had that idea from watching something on TV). I have now been watching youtube videos and realise that is called C&J and dead lifting is only up from the floor to…
  • I am in the 3 percent I guess - maybe if you count being slim but not dieting?? I never dieted, have slways just eaten what I wanted abd stayed the same for twenty years (I am 43). My sisters are all slim - my mother is also the same weight snd height as me in her 70s - we can all fit into each others clothes etc... I…
  • thsnks kelly! So I must have dead weighted approx 80lbs --- that sounds so much better than 15 kgs :-)
  • How much does the bar weigh? I just realised that most people count that in (am very new to this) I put weights of 15kg onto the bar ... so thought I was lifting 15kg (the bar weight kinda being a given).
  • Wow! I have just started going to the gym (today is my first day). I really enjoyed it altho I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I put 50kgs on the leg press; 30 kgs on a latpulldown; and did three sets of twelve on each. I took the barbell and put 15kgs (thst is 7.5 on either side) and lifted that from the floor to…
  • Lovely story. I have just started (again) done my first week of logging food. I lost a kg already but not sure if that is wonky scales!! I would like to get so much fitter in body and mind. Change all my bad habits and your post is a great inspiration to try to make that happen. Thanks
  • This is the second time I have posted this link (I hope that is allowed???). This girl, she writes for the UK market so prices are in £s and pence but they are super-cheap and she puts the cost per person (meaning buying from UK supermarkets) right at the top. It can't be all that different in the US. Hope this helpful!…
  • I like chilled soups (the pea and coriander in the link above is v v tasty and super easy to make). Also using couscous as a base and then filling it with either roasted veg with tomatoes or olives or feta (or whatever takes your fancy) ... I like…
  • I really, really want to start to get fitter and stronger in terms of weight-lifting. At the moment I am unfit, tall and relatively skinny and forty-one years old - I weigh (I think last time I weighed myself at the gym few months ago) 125lbs or 57kgs and I am 5foot 9inches. I am very unfit in terms of stamina - I do have…
  • Well I googled it - and the answer that came up was the 35000 year old Venus of Willendorf statue or something .... not sure whether that was artistic licence tho!???? Anyway is just nonsense speculation - I suppose there is a reason that we don't effectively get rid of it and you may be right that 2,000 odd years is the…
  • Well yes and no I guess. If you look at the images of Buddha, he is often depicted as quite fat and I know that the Romans a couple of thousand years ago would eat so much that they had "vomitoriums" (or I guess vomitoria???) places that they would go to throw up just so they could continue eating and therefore I suspect a…
  • Thanks naomi and katz --- I think the water thing might be key! I am very low on the amount of water I drink so perhaps that will help. I don't really mind the bloating it is just weird and odd and makes me look pregnant - it doesn't hurt or feel uncomfortable except for the fact that I have to undo any clothing if it is…
  • So does the amount of fat cells a person has - change, i.e. increase in number? Or is it just that the number of cells stay the same but they themselves get bigger and more filled with storing fat. And why is the body so inept at getting rid of excess fat, if it doesn't need it? Is the only way to get rid get of fat to…
  • push ups help? ok. good to know. i thought once they had gone south then that was that! I don't mind mine being kinda south pointing for some reason ..... i don't know why it doesn't bother me. I wear a bra during the day and the other half doesn't complain and he is the only one who is going to view them without the bra…
  • I know it has been said before but ---- pretty *****ing fantastic. !!!!!!! (must get to gym.... me that is)
  • Thanks hanniejong ---- so I need to double my intake at least! CJ