Bloating and Period

Do other women find that they bloat enormously during their period?

What causes this?

I have looked on the internet and they mention not eating salt, exercise or avoiding processed food --- none of that makes an iota of difference!

I never eat processed food really - make almost all foods from scratch, especially anything baked like bread or pastry-based dishes because I prefer to use spelt flour to wheat flour.

I don't put much salt in my food --- the only thing I could increase is my exercise (i am very slack on that) but I have deliberately during my period tried out exercise to see if it stops the bloating and so far, it has made zero difference.

I don't mind the bloating as it is not painful but I do swell up HUGELY to the point of looking five months pregnant for three or four days. Then it goes away.

At worst, it means I have to wear very loose clothes on those days so not a world-shattering problem but just wondered WHAT causes it to happen. Can hormones make you swell up? Is that what is causing it?


  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    You're just retaining water. As weird as it sounds, the less salt thing during that time is very helpful and another as weird as it sounds drink lots of water still. Exercise is helpful as well. I always feel better during that time as long as I continue to exercise.

    You could try a product called Diurex and start taking it a couple days before your period and continue taking it during, especially during the beginning when the bloated feeling is probably the worst. I take it, works great!

    There is also green tea which is a natural diuretic, but you would have to drink a lot of it. Also foods such as cucumbers and pineapple also act as diuretics, but not sure on amounts one would need to eat to see drastic improvement. Either way, they're still good for you!
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I'm not sure exactly what causes it but what about drinking a lot of water? Have you tried that?

    I get bloated too but I think the fact that I eat like a pig during PMS possibly contributes to that.
  • chjones21
    chjones21 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks naomi and katz --- I think the water thing might be key!

    I am very low on the amount of water I drink so perhaps that will help. I don't really mind the bloating it is just weird and odd and makes me look pregnant - it doesn't hurt or feel uncomfortable except for the fact that I have to undo any clothing if it is tight (or change it, more often than not is the better solution) especially trousers which become impossible!

    Will try next month and see how that affects it - thanks :-)
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    OH, yes, this always happened to me. Here's my recommendations. Drink water, eat asparagus. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits helps a lot for me. It helps to not want so much junk and it helps to process through that bloat. Asparagus helps with the water retention, btw.

    Don't wait until the bloat happens to start exercising. Start now and just keep on going. It's usually what you do before it starts that makes the biggest difference.

    Good luck.