AmyLou_21 Member


  • Hey! I lost over a stone earlier this year (Jan-July) but have since put about half of that back on! Have been really flippant with food and exercise and just generally being lazy and not being accountable! Today I tried a dress on and what I saw in the mirror almost made me cry...after all the hard work at the beginning…
  • Hi there, I'm 25 and from Cornwall - 5'7" and currently 186 lbs...I would like to get down to around 140lbs. I too need lots of encouragement and offer lots in return. I try and log daily however when I have to work a sleep-in for my job I may be unable to do this - but I will always try must best to at least log on! I…
  • Hello and welcome! I lost a stone before joining MFP, and then another 12 lbs after joining! However I put on 7 lbs after going on holiday (oh the shame :( .....)! Like you am looking for motivation to get me back on track! Your goal is totally do-able...just take small steps ! I will add you now :) Good luck :) (I am 5'…
  • You look amazing well done! You must be so chuffed :happy: xxxxx
  • Hey I'm Cornish, so no you're the only one on this side of the pond! Feel free to add me as a friend! x
    in New Person Comment by AmyLou_21 May 2012
  • Hi, feel free to add me too! I'm 24, from Cornwall, work two jobs, have been to University and want to shift around 2st x
  • I'm a perfectionist...and when I've made one mistake I dwell on it and then it's just a downwards spiral from there!
  • Hiya, I'm 24 and also looking for friends! xx
  • I have a good recipe for a chicken and chickpea pilaf...or why not try making a seafood linguine using low fat soft cheese. I do agree with the fella and I plan our meals for the week so that we only buy what we need when we go shopping. And as I work in a supermarket it's easy for me to pick up fruit and veg 2…
  • Hi Nicky! I'm from Cornwall and not long been here myself! Welcome to the family...this place is great!!! I will *kitten* you as a friend xxx
  • I think all of the points made are good ones - if you see your face everyday it's very unlikely that you'll notice and significant change, although others may. Maybe take a pic of yourself now and then again in a month or so (in the same place from the same distance and the same angle lol) and compare! As mentioned it may…
  • Have been dying to try the C25K for ages now - but have been too nervous given that my running skills are severely lacking! However, have just downloaded the free C25K podcasts from the NHS on here we go!!! Thanks @BlondeViki for the advice about trainers! Will definitely be popping along to my local sports…
  • Wow thanks for the welcome guys! @autumnbreeze - if definitely sounds like we're alike! I too thrive on routine and hate it when everything gets turned upside down! Although I'm really looking foward to moving in with my fella again I'm also apprehensive since he is not one for healthy eating or exercise - I'm hoping I can…
  • I'm exactly the same - can't help myself during the evening just seem to want to pile on more food! Also going out to eat is a nightmare! I feel like I want EVERYTHING on the menu and then feel like I MUST eat everything on my plate since I'm paying for it!!! Am new to the site and would love to gain some friends to offer…