Chubby Face!

Hey guys,

I've been doing the exercise and healthy eating 'thing' for nearly 18 months, now - the last couple of months with the aid of MFP and I've lost 28 pounds which I'm really pleased about.

The thing is, whilst I can see where the inches have come off my body - I still have the same chubby face I started with! I truly hate photographs of myself because I feel like my face has no definition, particularly along the jawline. I'm getting married next year and whilst I plan to keep up the fitness regime, I worry that I'll never look slimmer in the face. I don't want to hate my wedding photographs or spend the day worrying about being caught at an unflattering angle (which, when you have a face like mine, is most angles!)

I know I can't exercise to tone specific areas as fat burns off all over gradually, but does anyone have any experience with how long it takes for the effects of a healthier diet and exercise to show on the face. Does it tend to be one of the last places to tone up? I've seen before and after pictures of people who started out much bigger than me and the results on their face are wow! I've had no real change at all.

Am I doomed to have a round, undefined face forever? Is it something I need to just learn to live with?

Thanks in advance!


  • TomAJeffs
    TomAJeffs Posts: 22 Member
    Given your face is the thing you'll look at in the mirror every day, I doubt you'd notice much fat loss.

    Everyone else will, though.
  • crfeeney
    crfeeney Posts: 28
    I lost a lot of weight in my face, but because I see my face so much, I didn't really notice it. But friends and family kept telling me my face looked "so skinny." You probably did lose weight there, you just don't see it.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    There are exercises you can do, mainly 'gurning', but they are quite effective.

  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I am not trying to be a negative Nelly but maybe you just have a round face. Some people do. I have a round face also. Even when I was skinny I had a round face. Try to embrace your face. LOL It looks perfectly fine and if you are happy with the weight loss issue then don't focus on your round face. You have to pick your battles. Good Luck
  • AmyLou_21
    AmyLou_21 Posts: 16 Member
    I think all of the points made are good ones - if you see your face everyday it's very unlikely that you'll notice and significant change, although others may. Maybe take a pic of yourself now and then again in a month or so (in the same place from the same distance and the same angle lol) and compare!

    As mentioned it may just be that you have a naturally round face (I know I do and even when I lost a stone you couldn't tell by looking at my face!) - I have NO definition what-so-ever...NO cheekbones at all which just makes my face look like a blob! But this is where make-up is a godsend...use blusher or bronzer to highlight your cheeks and temples - will make your face look more sculpted!

    And most of all - don't panic - you're beautiful!

  • Lucy1421
    Lucy1421 Posts: 14
    I just wanted to say that you are a BEAUTIFUL young woman! We all have things we'd like to change about ourselves.
  • greej
    greej Posts: 37 Member
    If that's you in your profile, I'd say you have a gorgeous face! And smile!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I was a little moon faced girl and now I'm a moon faced woman......some of us just have a round face. (FYI-my mom called me Pumpkin....ya...for the face)
    And again if that is you in your profile pic, you have a beautiful face with a lovely smile who will make an incredible bride! =)
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    I don't know what to say!

    I really didn't post this to fish for compliments and your comments have made left me speechless, you're all so kind, thank you. I'm a little teary just reading them.

    I hadn't thought about it from the point of view that because I see my face every day I may not notice the changes. My OH has said he will go back through some photos over the last 18 months and put similar ones side by side to show me the difference. I'm not sure I want to look but maybe that will help!

    If I lose my last 7 pounds and still have the 'moon face' (love this expression!) then I will learn to love it :)

    Thanks again guys, you have made me very smiley tonight!