new to running

Good Morning All,

I've been walking and biking pretty regularly and I'm trying to move more into the jogging thing. I've noticed my endurance is making some good progress, and I actually (slow) jogged my first mile this weekend. Can someone please offer me some advice how to maintain this progression, and what type of schedule I should keep?

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    do a search on Couch to 5K (C25K) It sounds like you would be able to jump in on a later week than week 0. That program should get you up to 3 miles (4.8K)
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    do a search on Couch to 5K (C25K) It sounds like you would be able to jump in on a later week than week 0. That program should get you up to 3 miles (4.8K)

    Highly recommend c25k. It really starts you slow and keeps you motivated. You will be surprised at how quickly running for 30 mins becomes doable. There are also follow on programs like bridge to 10K and bridge to 1/2 marathon, if you want to continue to push your self. Good luck to you!!! :drinker:
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    I actually have the couch to 5k app on my Ipod... I need to listen to music when I workout, and whenever I leave the application it starts over...uuugghh.
  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    Try the PIM (Power in Motion) website. This is a 10 week program of HARRA (Houston Area Road Runners Association) for beginning runners. Two goals of the program are to remain injury free and to complete a 5k at the end of the 10 weeks. The weekly workouts are listed on the website. Good luck!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    I'm not sure which app you have but I have a Couch to 10K and it has a tab for music right in it. If you don't want to purchase a different app try starting the music first and then going into the C25K....this is what I need to do if I want to run C210K and Nike+. Keep up the great work!
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    Another vote for C25K - it definitely keeps you motivated and it's a really easy way of seeing your progress. I couldn't run to the end of my road when I started it and couldn't even complete week 1 - but I kept at it, doing as much as I could and though it took me a month to complete week 1, I carried on from there and now run in 5k and 10k races regularly for fun.

    Set yourself a realistic goal to complete the programme and sign up for a 5k fun run in your local area about a month after you think you'll complete the programme, it'll give you something to aim for :) my friend did this with me and though she didn't complete the C25k before the race, she ran/walked the event and had a great time!

    Also, my biggest piece of advice if you are going to run regularly, get a *good* pair of trainers, and if your local sports shop has the facility to give you a free gait analysis, do this before you buy the trainers to make sure you get the correct ones for your gait. I didn't do this until a bit late on and I've ruined my poor feet!! Good trainers should help protect your knees and joints and with less aches and pains, you'll be more motivated to keep running!

    Good luck :)
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    I am very new to the c25k, with the droid app on my phone. I also use "imapmyrun" for distance and time. I am plugging away, still slow but working it. Also, stay involved with running information, groups, blogs. I think it helps you stay connected to the hole thing and helps you to stay focused and motivated. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • AmyLou_21
    AmyLou_21 Posts: 16 Member
    Have been dying to try the C25K for ages now - but have been too nervous given that my running skills are severely lacking! However, have just downloaded the free C25K podcasts from the NHS on here we go!!!

    Thanks @BlondeViki for the advice about trainers! Will definitely be popping along to my local sports shop and sorting that out! Let's keep each other updated on our progress - good luck to all and feel free to add me as I'm quite new here!

  • Couch to 5k is a terriffic program. If you're not into that you can always do what I do - Visual Motivation. I like to give myself mini-goals while running. For example - I'm going to run to that tree. Once I hit that tree I'll either walk for a short distance or set another mini goal.

    I started to do this last winter when I ran in the evening. I didn't want to wear my ipod running at night. So I needed something to keep me improving. Each week I'd make my visual goals a little further away.

    Just another option
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice! maybe the app I downloaded is crap... i will look into others.

  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    I am using an online guide from They have tons of guides, and I started the "freshman running" one that just says, "Run Two Miles!"

    It starts you out easy and then works you up. I find that if a week is challenging I just repeat it till my body has the endurance it needs. I'm actually about to do that for the third time as I go into week 8. That's supposed to be how long the program is, but I think it will take me 11 or so weeks.

    After that, they have a 5k training plan.

    Best part? It's free!