

  • It's so confusing haha! Cool, I'm not too-too far from Altamonte Springs, I'll definitely have to give them a visit! Thanks for the info! :happy:
  • That's so frustrating! Please let me know how the new treadmill works out for you. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of shoes are you using? I've been researching and there are so many options! I'm looking at the Asics Gel Kayano since they're apparently really good for those with knee issues.
  • Hi varuca1! Firstly, I apologize for not seeing your post earlier. This is my first group on MFP and I thought it would alert me to a new post, but obviously not. I need to look at the settings to see if that's an option. Anyway, welcome! I'm having the same problem. There's not a great time to train outside in Florida…
  • I need to join a gym or buy a treadmill haha. I'm not a runner either, and this training in summer in Florida is ridiculous! Nice to meet you and hope to see you in September!
  • I just bought this one a love it so far! It keeps track of your heart rate, how long you've worked out and how many calories you've burned. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001U0OFD2
  • I suffer from clinical depression as well. Such a horrible disease/disorder. My doctor has me on Wellbutrin XL and it's doing wonders for me! I find that exercising is helping me, but I have to push myself through it and then I mentally feel so much better after. I wish I knew what to say :( Please feel free to write me or…
  • Hello! I just started at the gym myself. I had a personal trainer there advise me on how to start. He recommended cardio 6 days a week for 45 minutes a day. He said not to include the warming up or cooling down periods in the 45 minutes. He said that I should be sweating and breathing heavily for that time. "You can still…
  • I've been on here 5 days so far. The success stories are so inspiring! I, like you, am tired of "fad dieting" and can't wait to see how this less calories/more exercise plan will work for me! I hope that by using this site over time, that it will become a lifestyle change and not just another "fad". Good luck to us both!
  • You look amazing! Your story inspires me so much! I've been on here 5 days now. I hope to be able to write a story as successful as yours in 360 days!!!
  • I'm in the same boat. I also work about 20 hours a week, and of course like at school, the cafeteria food is cheap so it appeals to me, but so high in fats and calories. It's just really really difficult to get in good healthy (and cheap!!!) meals while always on the go, so I usually end up with a piece of pizza,…