

  • I'm always hungry after them, but I bring a bag of snacks with me to work and I will eat breakfast, a generous one if I can, then eat a snack between breakfast and lunch. When lunch comes around, I eat the lean cuisine, but keep snacking on something between that and the end of the day. But, Lean Cuisines are pretty…
  • I'm really glad to see this post. I was looking for something like this. I started a couple weeks ago trying to hit 1200 calories a day... I was pretty hungry and stressed. I'm pretty heavy, 100 to lose, so, it was really, really difficult for me to hit 1200 a day. I've recently bumped it up to the recommended calorie from…
  • No, I agree it's not WW fault that I didn't succeed on it by any means, it's fine when you do it, but this program makes me think less about it, the program, and more about the foods I'm eating. And WW profit model is not the same as this one. Profit is based on selling you a membership and associated products and the WW…
  • No, I agree it's not WW fault that I didn't succeed on it by any means, it's fine when you do it, but this program makes me think less about it, the program, and more about the foods I'm eating. And WW profit model is not the same as this one. Profit is based on selling you a membership and associated products and the WW…
  • I guess to clear it up a bit.. With tracking calories, I can see immediately at the store, how any product will impact my day. On WW plan, they purposely left out competing products. So yes, each product takes just a few seconds, but I'm at the store and usually not connected to the Internet, poor reception, whatever...…
  • So, checking in, I was under my calories today, I exercised, 30 minute ab crunch video and an hour of walking, 40 minutes at the mall, 20 at walmart. With all the walking and stuff I did today, it was easy to get my water done too, 9 cups! Going to bed now, it was a great day.
  • I just left WW. I had some of the same issues as others. If I messed it up on Monday, I felt like quitting for a while. They are adding stuff like 'take a day off' and stuff to make it more flexible but it's so costly and so geared towards business rather than my success... So they refuse to automatically include lean…
  • Neat! 160-172 for me, that's where I'm headed, I'd be happy anywhere near that range I'm sure :)
  • Hello, I'm new here, 268lbs :( I've got 100 to lose to be where I would like... I was directed to this forum as the place to go, so here I am!
  • You look absolutely amazing!!! Congratulations!
  • I do! 100 to lose, well 98 now!