

  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    I am also a Lifetime Member who is doing both concurrently. I am enjoying MFP but I try not to use all the exercise calories I am given as I find the estimates high. I was feeling some kind of way about PointsPlus but now that they have adjusted the daily target for short, stout people lke myself, I am seeing losses and could end up believing again.
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    The two programs are nearly identical if you look at it. WW your basically counting calories broken up into "point" form and MFP your just watching your calories in vs. individually.
  • mamamia410
    I just left WW. I had some of the same issues as others. If I messed it up on Monday, I felt like quitting for a while. They are adding stuff like 'take a day off' and stuff to make it more flexible but it's so costly and so geared towards business rather than my success... So they refuse to automatically include lean cuisine, which is crap because people eat those. They made it hard for me to enter the foods I actually ate so that they could encourage me to buy a certain brand that was included. That was frustrating for me. And here, I've just started but it's more about me than about MFP. That's important because I am the important one in this, I am the one accountable for my success, rather than WW which is kind of all about them.

    I have never felt pressured to eat anything I didn't want to with WW. I honestly don't understand what you mean by that? If a food I am not eating isn't in the database I just add it. It takes 1 minute to do so.

    I guess to clear it up a bit.. With tracking calories, I can see immediately at the store, how any product will impact my day. On WW plan, they purposely left out competing products. So yes, each product takes just a few seconds, but I'm at the store and usually not connected to the Internet, poor reception, whatever... And I'm trying to compare the options. Gets difficult. Or every single time I have a lean cuisine of a different variety, I have to add it, it just gets kind of frustrating. I guess it's ok as long as that's the only thing you know. Had I known something like this site existed, I would have switched. While there is no pressure from WW. It's a lot simpler to just go with a product they are ok with... And I need simple, or it won't work, for me anyway.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    I just left WW. I had some of the same issues as others. If I messed it up on Monday, I felt like quitting for a while. They are adding stuff like 'take a day off' and stuff to make it more flexible but it's so costly and so geared towards business rather than my success... So they refuse to automatically include lean cuisine, which is crap because people eat those. They made it hard for me to enter the foods I actually ate so that they could encourage me to buy a certain brand that was included. That was frustrating for me. And here, I've just started but it's more about me than about MFP. That's important because I am the important one in this, I am the one accountable for my success, rather than WW which is kind of all about them.

    I have never felt pressured to eat anything I didn't want to with WW. I honestly don't understand what you mean by that? If a food I am not eating isn't in the database I just add it. It takes 1 minute to do so.

    I guess to clear it up a bit.. With tracking calories, I can see immediately at the store, how any product will impact my day. On WW plan, they purposely left out competing products. So yes, each product takes just a few seconds, but I'm at the store and usually not connected to the Internet, poor reception, whatever... And I'm trying to compare the options. Gets difficult. Or every single time I have a lean cuisine of a different variety, I have to add it, it just gets kind of frustrating. I guess it's ok as long as that's the only thing you know. Had I known something like this site existed, I would have switched. While there is no pressure from WW. It's a lot simpler to just go with a product they are ok with... And I need simple, or it won't work, for me anyway.

    I totally understand if the program isn't for you. Not everything will work for everyone. We have to use what works for us.

    I just get annoyed when people blame the program when it's them that won't work it, KWIM? Weight Watchers works if you follow it, same as MFP etc. We get out of it what we put into it. I love Weight Watchers, but it's not the only thing I have tried. I have tried them all. But I keep going back to WW. This time will be the last time, because I will never stop following the plan. This is for life for me. And once I reach Lifetime membership I won't have to pay for it anymore.
  • mamamia410
    No, I agree it's not WW fault that I didn't succeed on it by any means, it's fine when you do it, but this program makes me think less about it, the program, and more about the foods I'm eating. And WW profit model is not the same as this one. Profit is based on selling you a membership and associated products and the WW brand. This website is based on traffic and volume to the advertisers. I just prefer marketing that isn't part of my diet plan. You can make (almost) any program work, just for me, I can't focus as much on WW as I would have needed to. I lost over 30 pounds on it, it works, just not for me in the long term.
  • mamamia410
    No, I agree it's not WW fault that I didn't succeed on it by any means, it's fine when you do it, but this program makes me think less about it, the program, and more about the foods I'm eating. And WW profit model is not the same as this one. Profit is based on selling you a membership and associated products and the WW brand. This website is based on traffic and volume to the advertisers. I just prefer marketing that isn't part of my diet plan. You can make (almost) any program work, just for me, I can't focus as much on WW as I would have needed to. I lost over 30 pounds on it, it works, just not for me in the long term.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    I am cheering for both.

    Firstly....I do not use WW. Majority of my weight loss came from watching nutrition pre MFP. I use MFP as a tracker and a pool of advice, routines and support.

    I have seen some amazing results with WW. My wife has lost over 30% of her body weight, become fit and healthy, formed better smarter eating habits while still enjoying small indulgences (all in well under a year)

    Both require you to track what you eat. When we log what goes into our mouths we are more likely to pick the healthy option as their is lingering evidence of what we have done.

    Both are supported by a community of people who are there to see others succeed.

    Both alter the points/calories depending on gender, age, weight, activity level etc

    Both encourage weightloss at a low maximum. (MFP 2lbs per week max, WW -1% per week)

    Long term they both work. Unless you have taken no notice of what you have been doing the whole time you have been on either program, you have a pretty good idea of what you can eat in a day. Through your journey you have formed new habits. Finishing a program doesn't mean you are going to finish eating well.

    As mentioned WW uses points. I am on the points side of things here. MFP counts calories. 1000cals of fat is not the same as 1000cals of lean protein. Yet in the world of calorie counting there is no difference. That don't sit right with me.

    WW doesn't count MOST vegetables or SOME fruits. Sure if we go over the top with our fruits or calorie and sugar intake will be high BUT think back to when you were overweight. Were you slamming back the fruit and veg like no tomorrow? I don't think so. Free veg and fruit is there to encourage people to eat other types of foods to get a point free fix where normally they would reach for potato chips or chocolate. Also, a serving of celery using their nutritional formula comes up with a 0 point value. A serving of celery is next to zero in the calorie department anyway. Sure if you eat too much of a particular food you can still get fat but I would love to see the person who eats THAT much celery.

    If you can, use both. If not use MFP or daily burn or any food tracking program. Keep up the good work and keep an eye on nutrition.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    As mentioned WW uses points. I am on the points side of things here. MFP counts calories. 1000cals of fat is not the same as 1000cals of lean protein. Yet in the world of calorie counting there is no difference. That don't sit right with me.

    The main focus of MFP is on calories b/c as far as weightloss is concerned, calories are what matters. But it does give obvious recommendations for nutritional value right there in your food diary. MFP doesn't encourage anyone to get all of their calories from one food group or nutrient, it encourages somewhat of a balance which can even be tailored to individual needs.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Also, not sure if the meetings down here in OZ are different, but there is no telling the class what to do, when to exercise, you gotta buy this. From what I have been told it is much like the MFP forums were people put up ideas, findings etc. We don't even have any WW products in our house.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    As mentioned WW uses points. I am on the points side of things here. MFP counts calories. 1000cals of fat is not the same as 1000cals of lean protein. Yet in the world of calorie counting there is no difference. That don't sit right with me.

    The main focus of MFP is on calories b/c as far as weightloss is concerned, calories are what matters. But it does give obvious recommendations for nutritional value right there in your food diary. MFP doesn't encourage anyone to get all of their calories from one food group or nutrient, it encourages somewhat of a balance which can even be tailored to individual needs.

    I was using that as an extreme example. But you can see my point, many people will rely just on calories and as long as they are under they feel they are doing well. What is more important is the correct balance of protein, carbs and fat. I have seen people throw calories out the window and focus on Paleo and really trim down (while going way over in cals) Calories are an old and easy method of measurement.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Calories are an old and easy method of measurement.

    Which is why it works :-)

    I've tried WW. Not a fan of it. I don't understand how points values can keep changing over the years. It seems to take cal/kj counting and make it more difficult.

    Yes not all cals are the same. But if you stay under your cals, generally you'll lose weight. If you use their 'no points fruit' you can put on.

    Personally I find MFP better because it's the same principal and free!

    Then again if you feel you need to pay and it works for you keep doing it. Neither way is wrong. People on here think I'm wrong for using Jenny Craig food but I've tailored it to my needs and it's working. (and two days of no JC from 18th Jan!)
  • Butterfly3730
    I've tried WW many times and it just didn't click for me. MFP clicked right away and its FREE, support, accountability, easy tracking, mobile app, and it is more motivating. Plus, I like to just work with calories in/calories burned instead of points. Of course, some people swear by WW but for me, MFP is it! And I get in my water, fruits, veggies, non-processed foods, etc. But I would do that with either plan cause well it makes a difference of what type of calories OR points you are eating.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I walked past a weight watchers meeting and I heard the instructor telling people that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and in my opinion, that sounded like an eating disorder waiting to happen. For that reason alone, I have never joined WW.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I was wondering what everyone's advice is or your past experience between couting calories with mfp or following the ww points plus program.

    When I did ww I did lose 8lbs in a month but weighing my options on which to re-start jan 2.

    Any advice for me

    To be honest, I wish the hell I never paid for WW.... it was a waste of money and time. WW plans do NOT allow you to individualize certain food-related areas or percentages.

    My Endo was the person who recommended MFP and it was very easy to change my daily percentages based on her medical advice.... and because of that, I am totally a Charlie Sheen - IM WINNING!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
  • quickfin
    quickfin Posts: 81 Member
    My mom and sister do both WW and MFP...they both have been successful. The one thing I like about WW is the going to meetings and weighing in. It holds you accountable and once you hit your goal weight you become a lifetime member and never pay the dues as long as you maintain and go to meetings. I am planning on joining when I am closer to my goal weight. I need the accountablility. just my 2 cents
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    I walked past a weight watchers meeting and I heard the instructor telling people that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and in my opinion, that sounded like an eating disorder waiting to happen. For that reason alone, I have never joined WW.

    Right cause that one saying, that I have seen EVERYWHERE is going to turn someone into an anorexic.

  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    To the OP, you are asking people about MFP and WW on MFP, obviously the majority of people on here are here because this is what they like, so most people on here are going to tell you MFP is better.

    If you asked the same question on the WW boards, most people will tell you WW is better.

    You need to find what's good for YOU. There are many reasons I love Weight Watchers, other's don't like it. It's the same with everything in the world.

    Don't rely on other's opinions. Try both of them out. With WW you can go to a meeting and check it out without paying. If you have a friend who is on it, ask to read through some of their literature.

    WW doesn't force you to eat or do anything. I have been on WW off and on since 2000 in 2 different countries and I never felt any pressure from them and I ate what I liked. The only reason I didn't succeed all those other times was ME!
  • PJ38
    PJ38 Posts: 3
    I think that you can incorporate both. I really had good results with WW because it holds you accountable when you go and sit in on the meetings weekly. I have been thinking about going back myself. I really like this site, though. However, I haven't been logging in every single morsel that goes in my mouth. Getting on that scale each week holds you accountable if you are paying them money.
  • PJ38
    PJ38 Posts: 3
    Just an inspirational motto really. Anything to keep the junk food away from your lips. They have a good point. They do encourage all of the vegetables that you can eat and that in itself would not result in an eating disorder. WW is really a good plan. However, I did eat too many carbs on it.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    I think MFP is alot better and the support is great...with ww you have to figure out how many pts are in everything...i did WW for a couple months and just got aggravated with i came back to MFP and Im not leaving! best of luck to u!