gunther0013 Member


  • Glad to see your man doing it also. Helps when you don't look across the table and see cheeseburgers.
  • It is important that you take a day off to allow your muscles to repair.
  • How long have you had the HRM? If you have lost 31 pounds have you updated the HRM with your new weight? Check your HRM settings. It seems off. Maybe reset it and start over.
  • Great start. Keep it up and reap the rewards. I never realized before that I could eat a lot of good low calorie food and be happy versus failing diets. Good Luck.
  • First of all Fiber is a natural hunger suppressant and can really hold you over between meals. I eat a Fiber-1 bar every morning for breakfast. There is such a thing as eating too much fiber however. It can cause issues with your intestines. Like bloating, cramping, and other issues. If you have a regular intake of fiber…
  • Buy a box of chocolate Fiber1 Bars. They are 140 calories and will hold you over till 11-12. Fiber is a natural hunger suppressant. But be prepared as the first few days you eat them, they will make you fart like crazy. Just sayin'
  • Try EA Sports Active2. It comes with a heart rate monitor that actually tells you how many calories you are "truely" burning. Walmart has it marked down to $24.96 and it has versions for all 3 systems. Warning though, it is tough. Wii Fit is easy if you ask me. But this EA game really works.
  • It's a fad just like ALL diet books. It makes it sound like you can eat a lot of food and exercise less and lose weight. Sure, but read the book and it says you can eat all kinds of vegetables, some fruits and lean protein like chicken or turkey. It also makes you work out 30 minutes a day. No I am here to tell you that if…
  • Eat smart not less. Fill your belly with things like a fresh large peach instead of chocolate. Only 68 calories for a sweet snack versus the 280 in chocolate. Plus fruit has fiber which will keep you satisfied longer. Good luck and take it easy on the old man.
  • Try Skinny Cow ice cream, most are only 150 calories, or even the Fiber-One brownies at 90 calories. They satisfy your cravings but don't ruin your day.
  • My wife bought it and never uses it. I bought the EA Sports Active2 which is available for Wii, PS3 and X-Box. It really gives a good workout. I started on easy and almost blacked out the first time I used it. You can follow a 9 week program and also make your own exercise routines. It is fun and really helps burn…
  • There are many different variations of eggs already in the program. Just search for egg medium or egg large. Eggs have been the same since the dawn of time. No sense in measuring them.
  • Great job and I liked the idea you had to use the same shirt. Another motivating moment. Keep it up.