JLee1892 Member


  • Chicken stir-fry is really really yummy!!!! I always loved making that. Very good for you, just have to be careful on the sauce. If you use soy dont use too much. VERY high in sodium.
  • Anything with fiber really helps with feeling full!! Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber
  • Def agree with the greek yogurt!! Its soo filling! Oh, and Hummus!!! Hummus always fills me up and its sooo yummy!
  • You can never go wrong with veggies!!! They are basically all guilt free snacks. I snack on veggies almost every 2-3 hours. It prevents myself from getting to hungry and then resulting in having bad cravings and going overboard.
  • I feel ya!! I wish I was a runner! I hear all the time its absolutely the best all over body workout. I usually get tired though before the first 5min :-/ Would love to just be able to go for runs, and do 5ks and marathons!! Good for you though being able to run for 20min!
  • Welcome to MFP!! There is so much support you can find here. Good luck on your journey, Ill be here for support if you need it!
  • Just stocked up on progresso :-) They have so many options that are low calorie and you get alot in the can!
  • Hey!! MFP is a great learning tool to living a healthier lifestyle. I always thought I never really ate that much until I saw from logging how many calories I was really consuming! Its a real reality check. The support here is also incomparable! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!! Good luck!!
  • Ive lost 10lbs too! It is very sad to see some of my favorite outfits not fitting me anymore but its sure great to say hello to a new clothing size! Going shopping this weekend :-) Congrats on the 10lbs!!!! Keep up the great work!!
  • Awesome!!! You finally did it! Hope you are enjoying all the extra support!! I was just thinking that would be crazy if we reached our goal at the same time! Im just a little behind right now. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • If you are really craving the chocolate give yourself a little bit of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is actually really good for you. Its a great source of antioxidants! Of course its good for you in moderation. I find its a little better to give into a small craving before it gets out of control!
  • Thanks everyone for the tips! It is really great to have support and people to talk to with the same goals as you! All of my friends only ever hassel me and say "why do you want to lose weight!?", not very motivating.
  • Zumba does look like alot of fun and I LOVE to dance!
  • I love that alot of you have someone special in your life that motivates you!! My boyfriend of 4 yrs is in GREAT shape but I often get too intimidated working out with him. I worry to much about looking out of shape in front of him, not sure how to get over that.
  • I work at an awkward time of day as well. Im not really into working out before I go to work but then if I wait I end up making excuses why not to work out later :-/ I also have a treadmill(incline trainer) that I do love, but often times I push myself way to hard on it and all I think about when I go to work out is how…