

  • I'm 35 and looking to slim too. 30 pounds down and 30 to go. Anyone in a similar position feel free to add me. I could use some support as I seem to have stalled after I hit the 30 pound mark.
  • Try manicures, pedicures, new hair style, anything you enjoy, but don't typically do for yourself. And it is important to include a small amount of "junk" food in your diet. If you completely stop eating the things you enjoy you'll end up over-indulging at some point (as you say is your cycle). Just make sure you manage…
  • I'm losing baby weight as well. It's tough. I hope these darn kids appreciate what we went through for them. :-) As for what calorie intake is appropriate, use the tools to calculate your goal weight and how fast you want to get to that weight. It will tell you how many calories you can have daily to meet that goal. This…
  • I try to hit my calories mainly, but I look at the other numbers for clues on my eating habits. Days when I'm really hungry or tired I check to see how much protein or fiber I've had, etc. It gives me an idea of what types of nutrition I need to work on and I can use that as a guide to try to make healthier choices the…
  • It can be done. I am proud to say after weighing in this morning I have finally lost all the baby weight from all 3 kids. My youngest is almost 11 months old. It may take a while but if I can get there - so can you! Keep at it!
  • I'm working to get rid of the baby weight as well. I lost it after my first, I can do it again! Quick question for you all - I am a nursing mom. Is there any where in myfitnesspal to take that into account? I've just started using this tool and have noticed since I cut calories that my milk supply has dwindled. I need to…