not losing weight after having baby

Hi all, I had a baby 4 months ago and I have not lost one single pound, even though I have done slimming world. I heard people all saying how they lost 9 pounds in the first week blah blah and me nothing. Actually straight after giving birth I lost weight but then put it all back on and now am stuck. Anyone else here having the same problem? I had c section. I am 5ft 3 and 169 pounds. How many calories and fat grams is good to have?


  • I'm losing baby weight as well. It's tough. I hope these darn kids appreciate what we went through for them. :-) As for what calorie intake is appropriate, use the tools to calculate your goal weight and how fast you want to get to that weight. It will tell you how many calories you can have daily to meet that goal. This tool is fantastic. I'm down over 25 pounds using it. Only 30 or so more to go. My goal is to never be asked if I'm expecting again.
  • ah_adriana
    ah_adriana Posts: 28 Member
    kinda in the same boat though i had my daughter 13 months ago and am down only 5 pounds since : / it's definitely been an eye opener! i was always heavy and was really in my groove of weight loss at that time, so i think the pregnancy just gave me the excuse to let everything go to pot. REALLLLY don't want that to happen again, so i'm hoping mfp helps me out!
  • joabe
    joabe Posts: 6
    I am also trying to get rid of the baby weight. My son is 11 weeks old, I lost a total of 20lbs after I had him which left me with 20lbs more to go. The scale was stuck at that. :(... at about 6 weeks postpartum I started watching what I was eating and working out at home. Then at about 8 weeks postpartum with little to no progress, I joined the gym. Been going 5-6 days a week. The weight is finally coming off! It def. came off a lot faster after my first pregnancy. This time around I have had to work at it. I used the calculator tool for goal weight as well. Seems to be working so far.