If you hit your calories for the day~ is it ok if you go ove

Is it more important to make sure you eat all of your calories and not worry so much if you go under or over your protein, carbs and fats

or just as important to not only eat all your calories but make sure you hit all of your number for fats, carbs and protein that are suggested

example: need to eat according to mfp
carbs fat protein
296 71 81


  • AlexzKT
    AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
    I always go for calories primarily on MFP, because oftentimes the macros aren't all that accurate (sometimes people just enter food calories and don't enter carbs, protein, fat, etc.). I definitely try to get in more protein or whatever if it seems like I'm really low for the day - but my main criteria for when to stop eating will always be calories, never the macros. If that makes sense?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    As you do this for a while you will learn how to budget you calories better.
    I would always log foods before I eat them. In the beginning I would put an entire day in the day before to make sure I did not go over. That way I could make changes before it was too late. I also purchased a food scale to make sure I had portions correct. You would be surprised to see how much or little a true portion is. As for going over on Carb or Protein. I think it's better to go over in protein then Carbs. This is my opinion and what has worked for me. :drinker:
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    calories should be priority... especially since sometimes I eat high fat but it is almonds and avacados that have high fat, but good fat... I shoot for a net between 1200 and 1700 depending on my exercise for the day. Make no mistake, you should eat your calories, especially if your hungry... but don't worry so much if you go over on protein, fat, and carbs... especially in the beginning
  • I try to hit my calories mainly, but I look at the other numbers for clues on my eating habits. Days when I'm really hungry or tired I check to see how much protein or fiber I've had, etc. It gives me an idea of what types of nutrition I need to work on and I can use that as a guide to try to make healthier choices the next day. It's a good idea to try to hit all the numbers. It will mean you're eating a healthier, more balanced diet and most likely be more successful in the long run at losing and keeping the weight off.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Depends. If you are trying to gain muscle mass (body building) you should make sure you are getting plenty of protein. In fact the MFP default for protein would probably not be enough. You can manually adjust the percentages of carbohydrates, protein, and fat by selecting "Custom" instead of "Guided" when changing your goals.
  • jenniferhiggins
    jenniferhiggins Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks everyone. Have a Happy Thanksgiving
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I always thought it's best to stay around the 100-200 cal range. I could be very wrong, but this is what I aim for.