Post Pregnancy Mommas

Please give me encouraging words. Will this extra weight go away? Can I make this "mothers apron" shrink to nothingness? I feel like I'm taking on an insurmountable task.


  • msino88
    msino88 Posts: 12
    You can do it! I am 5months PP and am really getting into eating healthier. I am also breastfeeding which seems to make it 50% harder!!
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    You can do anything you put your mind to :smile: If you really want to lose it, watch what you eat and exercise. Slowly but surely mine is disappearing.

    Just remember, whether you say you can or you can't, you're right :wink:
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yes! It takes lots of hard work and serious dedication-eat right-healthy foods-the fresher the better! Exercise! Push yourself-even when your tired or not feelin it that day-exercise will give u that boost to get u through-stay consistent and changes will happen-not over nite but they will eventually! U can add me as a friend if u want-I joined this in january after having my 3rd baby in dec
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    It takes a long time, depressingly long at time. But it will go down and will go away. Stay strong and focused.
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49

    I just had my wee boy 4 months ago and i have lost a little weight although it is harder i think after you have had children!

    After my first 2 it took a while for my tummy to shrink back down to size, but yes you will get there eventually :)

    Good luck xx
  • I gained almost 70 lbs during pregnancy. The day I had my daughter, I was 273 pounds - that was in November 2010. Today, not even a year later and I'm sitting at 206/205 lbs. That's almost to where I was and almost to below 200 lbs! It can be done but it takes work and a lot of determination. However, if I can lose that much, you can lose the weight you gained, too!(:
  • I'm working to get rid of the baby weight as well. I lost it after my first, I can do it again! Quick question for you all - I am a nursing mom. Is there any where in myfitnesspal to take that into account? I've just started using this tool and have noticed since I cut calories that my milk supply has dwindled. I need to loose the weight, but also need to feed my daughter.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I'm with ya! My son was born in January and I was heavier than I've ever been at 177 lbs 20 days ago (Except 183 during pregnancy). I'm 5'5".

    When I joined MFP it was because of a referral from someone in my online birth club. I looked it up and found it so easy to use, kinda like facebook. So I figured this would be something I could stick with, especially since I could see how much more I could eat when I added in exercise.

    I've lost 6 lbs. so far, including almost 2 inches from my waist. Last week the scale said I'd gained so I was bummed, but when I remeasured myself, I had lost 1&1/2 inches that same week. (Period came right after... so I think that's what it was.) This forum is great for support and really helps keep me on track, so I really think the weight will come off.

    Just like cmclearin asked, I too am still breastfeeding and wondered if there was a way to figure that in. I figure since my son is over 6 months and started on solids as well, the danger of toxins passing to him through my breast milk has lessened. (Toxins passed from whatever is stored in fat reserves.) I just make sure to drink lots of extra water--like double what we're supposed to. I figure that helps flush me out as well as provide enough so my milk supply doesn't suffer. From what I can tell I don't think breastfeeding causes much change in metabolism. For me it has done nothing but slow me down. Now that my baby is big enough I carry him in a child backpack carrier with a light aluminum frame. It burns extra calories when I walk my dog. :smile:
  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks ladies. I'm currently doing C25K and 30 DS as well as trying to eat healthier. It's just so hard and discouraging when I look in the mirror. I guess I just want thing to happen and change too quickly. I'm gonna work hard. I've got a cruise in January I want to look decent in a bathing suit.
  • psychochillie
    psychochillie Posts: 20 Member
    Quick question for you all - I am a nursing mom. Is there any where in myfitnesspal to take that into account?

    I have received on professional advice from a nutritionist that you need around 300 calories extra a day for breastfeeding. 1500 calories a day should be the absolute minimum you consume. You could probably still lose weight on 1800 calories a day. (If you are a larger woman, then you would need more than this.)

    If you see what MFP puts your calories at to lose 1/2lb a week (healthy weight loss), then just manually add 300 calories to that - to account for breastfeeding.
  • I managed to lose all my weight after having my first son but really struggling to take it off after having my second son just 6 months ago. You would think running around after a 2 and a half year old as well as a 6 month old would help burn it off. Good luck.
  • It can be done. I am proud to say after weighing in this morning I have finally lost all the baby weight from all 3 kids. My youngest is almost 11 months old. It may take a while but if I can get there - so can you! Keep at it!