Having to get on tip toes to bathe large dog breeds. (Using a step stool sometimes to bathe large dog breeds.) Boobs being at perfect elbowing height for the talls. Having to be on tip toes to use card readers/bag your own groceries. Having to have a lower calorie consumption than most The best things about being short:…
...Gum? Keeping the mouth occupied always helps combat grazing for me. Maybe even a sucker or a hard candy.
...How is any of this not selfish? I've never thought, "I'm doing this so my cat will have a healthier owner and be able to point at me when he sees me outside and be like, "Look. Look at that Jim, look at my hot owner. All the other cats want her to pet them." (If being hot actually made cats random outdoor cats let me…
Diana Wynne Jones. I didn't find her books until a few years after she died and was crushed when I went to look up any up coming releases.
There has been studies done that show that a person is more likely to like a picture of themselves that's a reversed image than if if it's a true image because we only really see ourselves in the mirror and we're familiar with how that looks. Friends are more likely to like photographs of you that's the true image rather…
Best: Swimming, peaches Worst: People. They start to come out of their homes when it's warm and mingle.
Sometimes I go a few days without tracking. I just can't be tamed. I stay aware of what I'm eating, but logging can be a pain--it's tedious.
Dream Job: Writer or publisher, Librarian, maybe English Lit Teacher, Bookstore....anything with books. Actual Job: Checker at a grocery store.
Half a banana, because I think you're right everything taste like banana with a banana. A cup of frozen mixed berries. Then, generally, whatever fruits are about. Cantaloupe is really good with it. And though it's probably not good for a breakfast smoothie about a fourth cup of low-fat pineapple sherbet. When I have it I…
I don't think people or emotions are so simple, they're complex things. Cheating is not as simple as. "And then I didn't love A anymore and C was so curvy." This person with an alphabet fetish still loves A, and they either don't want to hurt A by leaving, maybe they're confused, or they want their cake and want to eat it…
My first book was Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams. It's horribly written, but that's the one that caught me when I was 11. It's the book that made me a reader. It doesn't make me on my favorites list. Favorites.... The Virgin Suicides The Death Watch As I Lay Dying Harry Potter The Hunger Games The Merlin Conspiracy…
Teriyaki tofu take-out.
Mix it in when I can. If I have extra time I walk to the next bus stop. Depending on where you work you can get a quick one minute work out every so often. I also don't really worry about it too much until my day's off. On days that I'm working sometimes I don't even got time for eating, so...I know it sounds a bit lazy,…
Coupons. Learn to coupon. They're amazing. (Safeway, Vons, Dominicks also has "online coupons" called Just For You if you have any of those in your area. You just load the coupons onto your Safeway card.)
@Kelsi: 19.7?
I think Tennet had some of the greatest plot stuff, but I'm tempted to say Matt Smith is my favorite doctor. I can't imagine anyone else playing him. Doesn't a Timelord only have 13 regenerations?...I know there was that thing with River, but... *panics*
Avocado on bagel instead of cream cheese. OoO Avocado on any toasted bread product. Quinoa in the place of regular oat meal. Greek Yogurt.
Probably a cat? I'm nocturnal. Can spend hours in the bath, like sleeping. Even though I'm fat I'm adorable. I ignore people, but with love.
1. Imagine having a boyfriend. 2. Convince myself I'm going to go snag some poor guy the next day. 3. Watch cat videos on Youtube 4. Get back on the crazy cat lady train.
In some situations I feel like it's okay to be rude back. Especially in those that they can't beat you up and it's reoccurring. "Oh, am I fat? I didn't know. Thank you so much for pointing that out to me.My entire life I thought I was stick-thin. Thank the holy kittens that you came around." If it's your people,…
I get like 1.5 miles a day, usually, on days I'm trying maybe three. ....I'm just here to help even out the bell curve. You're welcome. I probably get more, I walk everywhere and am on my feet for most of my day, but I don't count that.
I want to be able to fit in a storage bin. >:)
Ask questions. I find that most people are perfectly content with just blabbering about themselves and love for people to ask questions. Don't ask, "How are you"? but "How has your day gone?" It's a question that invites a story, rather than just a one line answer. I don't really avoid awkward silences though...I more or…
Yuck Tater Tots
Oh, my gosh, is this what falling into like with a stranger feels like? Donna is my favorite as well. I am in the Seattle area. None of this Seattle-ish business. Good luck!
Sarabi from Lion King. If she weren't a lion.
There's some pretty cheap food scales out there. I feel like most thing have easy substitute, for example weights. Everything has a weight so you don't need to buy a weighted item.
I just finished a book that I unexpectedly fell in love with. You can miss fictional characters.
Me! I'm a vegetarian. Vegetables fear me. Good luck. :)
Probably about .03 a day.