

  • Totally. I'm trying to be as accountable as I can be, counting everything and trying to stay accurate. And really, 300 calories is = 20% of my goal for some days, so it's significant to an A type like me.... :) Thanks everyone!! I think I will imbibe with a glass of vino.
  • That's brilliant!!!
  • Week One: I had to adjust my initial weight from 140 to 145. But after one week I'm at 144!
  • Just did my first 5K and Color Run a week or so ago and despite the early arrival for early warm-up/Zumba, once I bought into their system of high energy silliness It WAS AWESOME. Super fun, very low-key and mellow. The color stations are 1/2 mile apart so it keeps it interesting. Lots of kids, strollers, wheel chairs. I…
  • Aha! Tapering!!! That's the word I've been missing in my fitness vocabulary! Glad I guessed the right approach!
  • Thanks guys. Sounds like experiences vote for "if you need one, take one." Was doing a social litmus test to see if 3 rest days in a week = laziness. I'm going to go light today to loosen up my sad muscles and see where that leaves me. Trying not to fall off the exercise wagon. again. :)
  • Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I'm an avid Google-er, and can find answers that way, but this MFP seems so great because real humans are really experiencing lots of what we all go through. That personal affect is really helpful for me to connect to. Thanks again!!
  • No really... does anyone have experience with this??
  • What do you mean, watch your macros? I'm new to this world and I'm right there with the OP, minus the under-eating part....
  • I have this app on my Iphone, it's a 7min workout and has 14 workouts at 30sec each with 10 sec breaks... seems like it would be a breeze, but it is really wonderful! Maybe one day could include 2 of those? Nothing complicated on these exercises, and you need no equipment, gear or previous experience. Thoughts?
  • Hey all! I'm a 38yr old with three kids and 30lbs that won't go away... 5'3" and feeling the "I've tried everything" method. At first, nothing helped because i was battling an intestinal parasite that removed any ability to properly digest anything. Now that those things are out of my body (GROSS) I'm more dedicated than…
  • I'm a huge fan of the Zumba DVDs... specifically the Zumba Fitness ones. They keep it fun and honestly, it's organized fitness dancing. Too fun and a great way to break a huge sweat.
  • I'm averaging approx 30% under per day... not intentionally, I just seem to not intake it as naturally as others. Trying to find what is either lagging my metabolism or what could help jump my metabolism. Crossing low sodium off my list.
  • Honestly, I'm right with the OP. It's why I've officially joined MFP and started to really dial in my activities. Ive spent 5 months with limited carbs (if any), small amounts of dairy, limited sugar to only natural sugars and just a few at best, plus completing the C25K plus some strength training and I actually add…
  • A question to other posters... :) I don't even know what an OP is. (I'm just that new!) Thank you SO much for the clarification. I promise to be less nerdy in the future.
  • Got it... to reiterate, the calorie goal MyFitnessPal gives me is what I should be aiming for, not under...
  • Question - do you eat less than MFP says to? Is that the deficit boundary? AND - by how much is still healthy??
  • I'm going to sound like an idiot, but when you say 'eat at a deficit', do you mean eat LESS than what MFP says to eat? By how much?