TjDee Member


  • How about a different nut butter? Almond, cashew. If you have a nut allergy you could try hemp seed butter.
  • I was tested for food allergies twice due to constant bloating and stomach issues. My doctor performed 2 different blood tests on 2 different occasions. Eggs, tomatoes, wheat, barley, rye, beef, pork, oranges, dairy were all very high for intolerance. I never eat wheat or processed foods or dairy so I cut out eggs and…
  • The ultimate reset is a great way to jumpstart your weight loss efforts. Your cravings for processed foods will go away, your cholesterol will go down, you will eliminate toxins that are polluting your body, you will sleep soundly and have more energy. As a result, you will lose some weight. It depends on the person. Some…
  • Clean up your food and do cardio. Stick to clean foods, not processed. Are you eating really clean?
  • Take a moment and remind yourself of your goal. Know that every time you put something into your mouth, it will either move you one step closer or one step further away from that goal.
  • I love Shakeology. People just need to give the new Superfood formula a chance. I didn't like the original formula the first week I drank it and then I became addicted. Just give it time and let your taste buds get used to it. Nothing matches Shakeology when it comes to ingredients.
  • I wouldn't eat fruit late at night because of the sugars. It's best to stick to protein or veggies. Have a protein drink or an ounce of almonds. Celery with natural peanut butter.
  • I work out at home and do Les Mills Pump in home program, which I love. I see you are doing that at the gym too. What about a different type of class. Try something you've never done to get you motivated. You could also try some home workouts so when you don't get to the gym you can still fit a workout in. If you are a fan…
  • I couldn't agree more. I always say that you are only one meal away from getting back on track. It's never too late. A few days of bad habits doesn't mean anything when you look at the big picture.
  • I would focus on strength training. If you are at your perfect and you just want to tone, don't do any more cardio. Building muscle burns fat long after your workout is over. Chalean Extreme is a great 1/2 hour to 40 min in home program for toning.
  • I love Insanity! Just wait until you get to month 2!
  • Welcome!!! I love your attitude!!!
  • Nutrition is going to be a big part of your success so make sure you plan your meals so that you are able to eat. I am a huge turbo fire fan and have had great success with it. I am also a beachbody coach. You should ask your coach about shakeology. It's a great meal replacement shake and perfect for people on the go.
  • Insanity is an extremely intense HIIT workout. Lots of plyometrics (jumping), pushups, etc. It works your body to exhaustion. I'd have to know your fitness level to see if it's the right workout for you. I'm a beachbody coach. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
  • I wear a heart rate monitor and log the calories burned.
    in Insanity Comment by TjDee October 2012
  • What kind of food are you eating. whole foods? Fruit, veggies, lean meats, nuts, good fats? If you eat like this you should probably lose. Make sure you are eating food that will nourish the body, not processed stuff.
  • Being accountable makes all the difference. Are you doing any type of cardio or just weight lifting? Also, are you eating clean food or just counting calories because that will make a difference too.
  • Hi, I'm Toni and I'm short too! 5'2" and I weigh around 126 right now. I had dropped 12 pounds but gained them back due to being hypothyroid and a change in meds. Still trying to get the levels straightened out. What types of food are you eating? Do you exercise? If so, how often and what do you do? I'm not a fan of diets.…
  • Welcome! I have been looking into starting the whole 30 this past week. Still researching. Been pretty much paleo but looking to step things up. I am hypothyroid, so my weight has been stuck forever and I need to give it a boost. I'm hoping the whole 30 will help since I also have several food allergies and digestion…
  • Les Mills Combat available on preorder only. If you are interested, feel free to add me as a friend and I can talk to you about it. I am a fan of Les Mills workouts. Great results. These workouts are extremely effective.
  • I just completed Insanity. It's true when the call it the most difficult workout put on dvd. You really feel like your fat is melting away when you are done with each workout. Love it! Add me as a friend if you would like to talk more about it.
  • You can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to make the commitment and see it through. Don't look at it as a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Just eat clean food and drink plenty of water. Get your exercise in and embrace your new lifestyle. In 3 weeks you'll be hooked. Feel free to add me as a friend. I would…
  • Don't look at it as a diet. Make a lifestyle change. It's makes it so much easier when you let go of that "diet' mentality. Would love to keep you motivated. send me a friend request if you want to stay connected. I'd love to hear about what you are doing with your food/ exercise/etc.
  • How tall are you and how many calories did you increase to? Just wondering.... You've got the right mindset. I always tell people to throw the scale away!! Measurements and pictures tell the real story. How long have you been on your fitness journey?
    in Wow. Comment by TjDee October 2012
  • How much weight do you need to lose? Are you doing real exercise where you are breaking a sweat for at least 30 min a day or is your exercise chores? It sounds like you are more vested in this then he is. You can't make someone be ready to change their lifestyle. Just work on yoursself. He will come around when he is…