I went for a Food Intolerance Test

I went to my healthshop and had a food intolerance test done on Friday. I cant lose weight no matter how hard I try! Loads of exercise, low fat diet, little alcohol does nothing. The results showed an intolerance to wheat, tomatoes, acidic fruits, rich dairy and certain vegetables. Theres me thinking I was eating healthily and some of these foods are making me put on weight as i cant digest them.
Ive been out and bought some genius bread cos i cant give up my buttes and eggs on toast!
Dont know how im gonna get on not having my beloved spag bol, chilli and mexican lasagne but I cant so I'll have to get used to it.
She gave me some lepicol to make me "go" better, an enzyme to build up energy and multi vits to give me a boost as i wasnt absorbing nutrients etc because of the toxins.
I can only see what happens by eliminating these certain foods, hopefully it'll work.
I dont feel anything yet but its been 2 days since I started it but it'd be interested to see if anyone has?



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I lost a lot of water weight the first week I cut out bread, rice, potatos and pasta. But I can tell you that I don't bloat anymore. But after that first week, I averaged about 1-4 pounds per month on my fitness plan.

    I will say I thought any thing you can't digest would just be pooped out, but I am not a medical professional in any sense of the word.
  • JewelleryByMandy
    JewelleryByMandy Posts: 43 Member
    I think its to do with the digestion and the food just sitting there fermenting! Slows everything down.
    Fortunately I can have a few potatoes and rice but change the pasta to wheat free.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    How did they do a test for intolerance? I have an intolerance and I'm pretty sure what it is to, but I've never been tested.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    LOL. Food intolerance test?

    Sorry but the lack of actual scientific evidence supporting food intolerance tests pretty much says it all. Until science says there is an actual metabolic inability for you to digest these foods (ala lactose intolerance) then it's a crock of ****.

    If you are having trouble loosing weight, open up your diary to the public and ask for input and advice.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    No offense Madholm I am gluten intolerant aka celiac disease . I have been for as long as I can remember.
    I get very sick when I eat wheat, rice, malt, barley, tomatoes, milk, and ginger. It is not a crock of **** and their is medical proof (alergy tests). What do you think an alergist does (Medical Doctor btw).

    Dwaa, life without gluten is hard but completely possible. My diary is open if you need inspiration.
  • TjDee
    TjDee Posts: 25 Member
    I was tested for food allergies twice due to constant bloating and stomach issues. My doctor performed 2 different blood tests on 2 different occasions. Eggs, tomatoes, wheat, barley, rye, beef, pork, oranges, dairy were all very high for intolerance. I never eat wheat or processed foods or dairy so I cut out eggs and tomatoes which were a staple for me. It is also hard for me to lose weight (working on those last 15 pounds), but I also am hypothyroid which can cause digestive problems too. I still have some bloating. I really only eat meat, vegetables, and my protein powder which is plant based.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    LOL. Food intolerance test?

    Sorry but the lack of actual scientific evidence supporting food intolerance tests pretty much says it all. Until science says there is an actual metabolic inability for you to digest these foods (ala lactose intolerance) then it's a crock of ****.

    If you are having trouble loosing weight, open up your diary to the public and ask for input and advice.

    My hypothyroidism causes me to be intolerant to a bunch of different things, including wheat, gluten, milk etc.....there's proof for ya
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    No offense Madholm I am gluten intolerant aka celiac disease . I have been for as long as I can remember.
    I get very sick when I eat wheat, rice, malt, barley, tomatoes, milk, and ginger. It is not a crock of **** and their is medical proof (alergy tests). What do you think an alergist does (Medical Doctor btw).

    Dwaa, life without gluten is hard but completely possible. My diary is open if you need inspiration.

    Celiac is a scientifically documented occurance or "disease" recognized by doctors. As a doctor you should be acutely aware that these food intolerance tests are not alergy tests.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I am gluten intolerant. My doctor told me *there is no test for food intolerances* (I was negative for Celiac).

    It wasn't food "sitting" or "fermenting." My body was attacking itself and becoming inflamed when I ate gluten, causing me to feel like I was hungry all the time even when I had eaten more than 3,000 calories that day. If your body is unable to digest something, it expels it. Hence the diarrhea, but the body still absorbs the calories. Awkward.

    Celiac and intolerance are very different. I am lucky I'm just intolerant -- people with Celiac have to be much, much more careful about cross contamination and trace amounts of gluten. I thankfully don't have a bad reaction unless I eat gluten-based foods on purpose.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I'd be wary of taking advice from anyone trying to sell me something. Have you tried your Dr? A dietician? A gym/personal trainer? Combination of some or all of these things?

    Maybe you've already gone that route. I don't know. Going on the info you gave.

    Either way, good luck!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Get a mandoline slicer and slice jicama for tortillas... practically zero calories each tortilla... put it on a hot skillet to soften or nuke it... People will think you are the Iron Chef... Its really become a bit of a fad with the trendy top end Mexican food places...
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Personally I'd have it done by a medical professional - there was a scandal in my local town when a Chinese Herbalist shop did these tests. They came back with similar results and people immediately cut out the foods- then became ill as they were eating a very limited diet.

    If it was done by a medical professional, ask for their creditentials, then fair enough. If not, and you suspect it's correct, go to your doctor's for an official one- they'll be able to give you ways to work around it and perhaps even a sample diet as they did with my brother when he was diagnosed lactose intolerant.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Theres me thinking I was eating healthily and some of these foods are making me put on weight as i cant digest them.

    Doesn't that mean you'd just poop them out?
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Hmmm, first of all why low fat? Fats are good and necessary. Also, I would imagine if you really can't digest these foods, you would be losing weight FASTER not stalled. You might be malnourished, but if it doesn't digest it wouldn't be...well digested =)

    Did you go to a medical doctor or some 3rd party "health expert" type?
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    I've had allergy testing done, by a proper medical doctor. It took several hours, and they pricked my skin with TONES of different things. I'm going to guess 50-60 times. Both arms were covered in a grid of dots. Then they wait and measure and reaction you get. They actually measure the size of each welt, and I guess by that they can tell how allergic you are. I was found to be intolerant to several foods. I felt great after cutting out the foods I was told to. It took several weeks to really feel the difference.

    Oh, I didn't notice your testing was done in a health shop. Yeah, I believe in testing for food intolerances, but not that way.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Call me a cynic - but you went to a healthshop for a food intolerance test (would be interested in how they exactly tested for them) and then they sold you something after finding something.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Theres me thinking I was eating healthily and some of these foods are making me put on weight as i cant digest them.

    Doesn't that mean you'd just poop them out?

    Poop 'em out., calories for weight gain absorbed, constant hunger. It's a terrible paradox.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I went to my healthshop and had a food intolerance test done on Friday. I cant lose weight no matter how hard I try! Loads of exercise, low fat diet, little alcohol does nothing. The results showed an intolerance to wheat, tomatoes, acidic fruits, rich dairy and certain vegetables. Theres me thinking I was eating healthily and some of these foods are making me put on weight as i cant digest them.
    Ive been out and bought some genius bread cos i cant give up my buttes and eggs on toast!
    Dont know how im gonna get on not having my beloved spag bol, chilli and mexican lasagne but I cant so I'll have to get used to it.
    She gave me some lepicol to make me "go" better, an enzyme to build up energy and multi vits to give me a boost as i wasnt absorbing nutrients etc because of the toxins.
    I can only see what happens by eliminating these certain foods, hopefully it'll work.
    I dont feel anything yet but its been 2 days since I started it but it'd be interested to see if anyone has?


    Sounds like you were that "healthshop's" perfect customer! Believed everything they told you AND bought all the supplements they told you to buy.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    LOL. Food intolerance test?

    Sorry but the lack of actual scientific evidence supporting food intolerance tests pretty much says it all. Until science says there is an actual metabolic inability for you to digest these foods (ala lactose intolerance) then it's a crock of ****.

    If you are having trouble loosing weight, open up your diary to the public and ask for input and advice.

    My hypothyroidism causes me to be intolerant to a bunch of different things, including wheat, gluten, milk etc.....there's proof for ya
    I'm not sure that hypothyroidism is causing the intolerance. I have hypothyroidism and was diagnosed 15 years ago. I don't have an intolerance to anything that I know of. So should I say, there's proof for ya?
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    You need to go to a professional, either someone who is trained and has a degree in nutrition counseling or a doctor/PA/nurse practitioner. Some healthfood store shill is likely going to tell you whatever you already believe OR whatever they can get you to believe. They need to in order to sell you their products (which they clearly did successfully).