Hi, I'm gabby and I'm short!

Hi, I'm new to the site. I gained weight in my high school years. i'm 21 and in need of a lifestyle change. I'm having a hard time losing weight , because I dont know all the answers. I also have a trouble with eating late :(

I'm 5 foot tall exactly.
I weigh approx 192 pounds.
I keep from 180-190

But my healthy weight is around 120 or 115, what i was when i was fit.
Any tips to help against night eating? I cant seem to sleep when I feel hungry.


  • TjDee
    TjDee Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm Toni and I'm short too! 5'2" and I weigh around 126 right now. I had dropped 12 pounds but gained them back due to being hypothyroid and a change in meds. Still trying to get the levels straightened out. What types of food are you eating? Do you exercise? If so, how often and what do you do? I'm not a fan of diets. Just clean eating seems to work the best for me. Message me or send me a friend request if you want to keep chatting. I'm happy to give some suggestions.
  • Hi gabby im pete, i used to eat late but now im eating a lot more protien and that seems to keep me full. I have my dinner around 6.00 and that does me till i go to bed. I used to snack all evening you just have to train your body, Hope this helps :smile:
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    I like to eat a snack after dinner; I just make sure I save enough calories for it.
  • I find it easiest to eat something every 2 or 3 hours and make sure that it is a fruit or vegetable. Another good thing to do is to write down the foods that you eat each day. It has really made a difference in the way that I eat. I hope that this helps. :)
  • Hi, I'm Toni and I'm short too! 5'2" and I weigh around 126 right now. I had dropped 12 pounds but gained them back due to being hypothyroid and a change in meds. Still trying to get the levels straightened out. What types of food are you eating? Do you exercise? If so, how often and what do you do? I'm not a fan of diets. Just clean eating seems to work the best for me. Message me or send me a friend request if you want to keep chatting. I'm happy to give some suggestions.
    Hi Toni! Wow!! Yeah, weird thing that still has me worried - I had found a lump in my throat, its gotten bigger since then, and I went to the doctor. I Suspected thyroid problems. Turns out i didnt have but a few CM throid cyst, but the lump is still there! The doctor said its fat. It just freaks me out. I researched it, and internet said lumps in throat can be caused by stress. I have had it, due to dealing with tons of stress ... Believe it.

    But I digress. I eat whatever I can usually, since I rarely make enough money to get my own groceries, plus i have to live with my best friends who sadly ( hate to be rude) I've gained a lot of weight at their house, because they eat more often. They never have greens or anything in the kitchen. I can never afford to go out and get stuff either ughhh

    Even if i did invest every paycheck into a good diet, i dont know what to get, and id want to make a habit by having similar foods the same days. Its less stressful, but i dont know what to buy.

    another problem i have is , i never know when to work out and it really gives me anxiety. Everytime I have a good workout and get hungry, i get scared. Why? because what if i dont have the energy to do more exercise? what time should i eat at night (DINNER) and when should i exercise??

    Ive noticed that everytime I go on a diet, the dinner ruins my weight loss
    and i work pretty vigourously during the day.
    Am I not burning enough calroies?
    why does dinner always keep the weight from being loss?
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi! Imchicbad-:wink: , I am 5 feet tall exactly- was 154 pounds down to 133, have ten more pounds till my goal weight i think. i work hard, but the last ten are a beast...if you need help? friends:flowerforyou: