

  • I also am a beach body coach also and yes shakeology does work !! I have tried everything in the past and could not get the scale to budge. I would exerices two hours a day or go for 7 miles walk. Tried all kinds of exercise videos thinking this one will work !! Was very ridgid about my calorie consumption, made sure I…
  • Graysmom2005 Read your post, I had the same problem with many of the programs I have tried. I battled my weight for years went from 164 to 142-145 and that is where I was stuck for years. Until I was introduced to this product, I couldn't belive my eyes when I got on the scale the other day to see 139.8... I finally…
  • Hi !! I notice you are doing p90x. How is that going for you? As an 'independent beach body coach' I would love to help you find the answers you are looking for? Here is my story: Hello Everyone In my college years I some how dropped 20 pounds but then hit a plateau and there I sat with the scale bouncing between 142-145…
  • Hi There ! As you I am fairly new to this site as well. I love it! For years I have tracked my daily food and calorie intake in a notebook. But this is so convient and the weekly reports are great. I have tried everything from Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, and Nutirsystem. Losing only 20 pounds, never getting…
  • My favorite is cottage cheese with a few berries or melba toast.