pfeiferfit Member


  • I imagine no one's commented because they think you must be joking. A Dr. would not be happy with that weight, it's beyond the border of body dysmorphia at that stage I think.
  • I'm 5'10 and I've been comfortable at 150 previously. I've gotten up to about 205 before, and right now I'm fighting back down from that high. My current goal is to get to 150 and size 8, and build muscle. With muscle and size 8, I don't care if I end up back at 200 because my body is rock solid, but I think that I'd more…
  • Are you PCOS? The symptoms sound similar. I am, and Monday was my first day GF - it's Thursday. I hear you on the headaches, although I've increased my water and vitamins, and so far so good. Are you feeling bad consuming fiber, or is it that high-carb fibers (gf grains/beans etc) are making you feel bad? I have heard that…
  • I notice it like CRAZY! My face, in Feb 2011, had VERY LITTLE definition. Now I've got a bit of my features back. Looking forward to more. September 2010 (over 200 lbs, possibly as high as 210...) Feb 2011, still over 200 lbs August 2012 flux between 170-178 And back in the days of goal weight...
  • Vega. Also expensive but I buy it at sport nutrition depot online (Canada)
  • Congratulations on meeting your goal- the first of many! Cheers!!
  • I am just getting back on the wagon, but feel better under 50. I find a cheat day a week really helped me in the past, to keep the scale moving. My bariatric dr suggested the diet because of my PCOS. I am a bread and sugar addict so I need this.
  • I love keto sticks. When I stick to it I can hit ketosis fast. My breath lets me know too. :(
  • Your story is awesome, you guys did wonderfully, and you actually made me cry in a good way, thanks for sharing!
  • Good for you Money!! And welcome. I wanted to say that I was 202 when I started this (November 2011) and by March I was down to 162. I got busy and let things slide and got back to 179, but already down to 173, and looking forward to a goal of 150 eventually. I'm giving these details because i'll bet some of your goals are…
  • If you're feeling hungry all the time, what about some (good) high fat solutions like a bit of avocado, or PB, etc. Those things also pack in the calories, but they're satisfying longer. I don't know beyond that - for me I have to eat a very low carb high protein diet to feel satisfied and not get into binge cycles, and…
  • November 11 - Feb 8thish, 30 lbs gone. Now up to more than that, November and December I really watched what I was eating and got in more walking. January I started back up at Roller Derby. Great workout 2x a week. I'm waiting for 160 (about 6 more lbs to go) for building more muscle, and toning. I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER…
  • Thanks! You've totally inspired me - your before and after pix are amazing, and it's good to see someone fighting the good fight! Down in the 160's the weight training starts. :)
  • I second MsQt. :) Hot!! Great job. I needed a little reminder about where I'm headed. Great results!!
  • How'd it go?
  • Awesome, what a wonderful change!! You look great, and HAPPY!!!!
  • Just wanted to say you look amazing! Good luck with your journey.
  • I have been "carb cycling" with some success. It's more that I have a kind of cheat/different day Saturdays. I eat more calories and more carbs. I have gone between 20 and 60 carbs on a normal day, on a cheat day I end up around 120 or more, but I try not to go CRAZY. Have been losing steadily for the most part... Somewhat…
  • :) I used to really enjoy a slice of lunch meat with some cream cheese, wedged into a pickle. (Dill) Cut out a wedge like you would a sub bun... There's dinner, in a pickle. But if you just want any old dinner, I really like the tuna sandwich and apple idea. (And a few almonds...)
  • I am trying to lose weight before starting my massive training - BUT that said, I'm going back to roller derby Tuesday. And that's EXTREME training. At least somewhat... Yup. It's extreme... Wait for it- I had a point... I think. I'm really trying to drop pounds before doing MAJOR training, but my body's used to roller…
  • THISSSSSS!!!!! Potatos are good for you. Yeah. Not for me. (I have PCOS too.) I am 32, I have been eating like a pro for a little while now. I know what'll put on weight. I know what'll take off weight. I'm trying to balance a normal way of eating. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT KNOW that we're all different with our fuel?
  • LOVE IT! I make use of other people's old equipment (or sometimes not so old either) too!! No tax, no boxes, no stuff to put together, sometimes, and no packaging to throw in the landfill. The smarmy garbage reductionist in me loves it too... :)
  • I have a cheat day (usually Saturday) to enhance my social life (so i'm not the girl eating tuna, or bacon, or eggs, or salads ALL the time). It helps me relax around friends and family. And I find it helps me to keep losing. When my body gets toooo low on calories (easy with low carbing) I can add an extra 600-1000…
  • Way to go, what a change! I bet you feel better (and that hat is awesome!) Cheers!
  • Yeah, I'd be into the footies. :)
  • Some funny entries. I had a lot of thought from a lot of people, for my gifts. I hope that I put thought into mine, and that it shows. I didn't get any bad gifts, except a tshirt that is AWESOME but terribly unflattering. (Not her fault) But I did have to have a stern conversation bordering on aggressive about why I would…
  • weird double post...
  • I'm not going to say I believe the science in this but some of it makes sense- Obesity is contagious, as is health. Hopefully through your healthy choices your friend will make healthier choices. And hopefully as she makes unhealthy choices…
  • I truly believe the other poster was talking about "unhealthy people" who are fat (as a result of health choices) - I have fat friends who have gotten healthy, they're great. I have great respect for them and want to be one. I also have friends who are big and make terrible diet choices (and want me to as well when we're…