Jillsie11 Member


  • Yay for more Mommies in the "second child club" :wink:!! I have a 2 1/2 year old and an almost 6 month old. I got down to my PP weight (with first child) RIGHT before I found out I was pregnant again :) Have 4 more pounds this time, and 9 til my ultimate goal. Welcome to the club! Most of us are friendly :tongue:
  • I don't know about the exact same boat, but I've definitely had trouble getting these last few pounds off. I'm almost 6 months PP, and I finally have only a few to go, but it's been a process. I've had to readjust my calories several times, and have finally settled in on eating more which has helped give me another boost.…
  • I waited til the year mark to introduce sippy cups, but my Mom (and other older generation ladies) have told me many times to give my babies bottles of water. Apparently, it was something they did when we were children and helps with constipation/tummy issues. Also helps if baby has a cough/sore throat. I do it very…
  • I just got the Walmart brand of powder fiber- comes in a canister. Put a tsp. or so in my water, and voila! Hope it works:)
  • I don't really have a ton of advice...but as an fyi, some prenatal vitamins (if you're still taking them due to breastfeeding) can cause constipation. I guess the increase in iron causes it. I know that because each time I've been pregnant and start taking the vitamins, I get stopped up. Some alternatives? Maybe try a…
  • Yea- also VERY useful in the summer time, if you'd like to be outside gardening/playing with an older child etc....I don't have anything super expensive, just a run-of-the-mill monitor, but it works great for what we need!
  • My first baby was 8 lbs 10 oz, so barely was in newborn clothes. Decided not to get a whole lot for 2nd baby cause I heard they just get bigger...however, she was 6 lbs 15 oz when she came along. I DEF needed more newborn stuff, but it was easy enough to just run out and get a few items that first week. She was only in em'…
  • Trying to go the whole year again this time...last time I made it to 10 1/2 months, but I'd really like to go the whole year. I'm only nursing about 4x a day at this point (she eats a lot at her feedings:smile: ), and will most likely keep that up when she starts solids. I also have a good stash in the fridge...said today…
  • My 4.5 month old hasn't started this yet...but with my oldest (who's now 2 1/2), I would jump and she would laugh...thought it was a funny game. My sister in law would flick her daughter's cheek if she bit, just lightly. Worked great for her. I did that every once in a while, but felt so bad when I did it!
  • I had this happen to me. I had stopped bleeding mostly around 5 weeks, and was given the "go" at my 6 week pp appointment to start working out. I did treadmill, and some Jillian workouts and then started bleeding again. I called my Doc, and the nurse there said it's prolly because I started working out, to take it easy for…
  • It may just be random spotting, but it also could be the start:cry: With Elsie (my oldest), I exclusively breastfed til about 10 1/2 months, and got my period about 7/8 months post-partum. Unfortunately though, every woman's different and there's no rhyme or reason...I hope for your sake She's not here yet!!!
    in Aunt Flo Comment by Jillsie11 March 2013
  • Welcome, Kendra- we are glad to have you!! I also despise running, even when I'm doing it on a regular basis. Think any of those people who do it consistently REALLY love it like they say they do?? I doubt it ;) Welcome again, glad to have you join!
  • We have something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aosom-2IN1-DOUBLE-KIDS-BABY-BIKE-BICYCLE-TRAILER-STROLLER-JOGGER-RED-JOGGING-/280980834843?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416bc34a1b Ours was given to us, so it has a bit more wear and tear. But the swivel feature is great for running, and we plan to take both girls on…
  • I don't think it's horrible for you to feel that way at all...as the other moms have stated, being a SAHM isn't for everyone. Ideally, I'd like to think that it would be wonderful being a SAHM, but the grass is always greener on the other side. I currently am a part-time SAHM, and I work outside of the home 18-20 hours a…
  • I've used ALL the brands, and if money was no object would just splurge for Pampers everytime. However, I've been pleased with Target AND Walmar'ts Parent's Choice diapers- never had any issues with them. And, I still have a toddler in em' (don't get me started on that :wink: ) so they work well for all ages!
  • I gained 30 during this pregnancy. By 6 weeks postpartum I'd lost 20 lbs, which my Doctor was VERY pleased with. Even fit into some pre-pregnancy jeans at 2 weeks pp!! These last 10 lbs however have been hannnnging on :) I had to play with the numbers a bit, but recently have started losing again. I now only have 6 lbs to…
  • Hope I didn't seem like I assumed you weren't taking your babies out at all- Lol. I'm sure you're all doing a great job and that's NOT at all what I meant. (sorry, I tend to over-analyze my own comments after the fact:)) I just know that this time around has been way different for me and I wish I could talk to my past self…
  • Yah, it's possible baby will cry- but I'm sure they're used to it there and you're baby won't be the only one screamin'! :) I'm also a firm believer in the fact that the earlier you get out with those babies, the more accustomed they'll get to crowds, and the less they'll freak out in the long run:) Do it, ladies! Also,…
  • Yah, doesn't happen to me when I workout, but DEF happens at times when I sneeze, laugh, or even sleep:/ Oh, the things they don't warn you about!
  • Sounds awesome! The Library here in town has a Baby "Story Time" (and one for Toddlers as well) once a week. They read, move, dance, and sing during the class. Do rhymes as well. I took my oldest daughter to Baby Time and now to Toddler time, and am looking forward to taking Jovie to the Baby Story Time tomorrow morning…
  • I've been stuck for a LONG time. I had my baby at the end of October, lost 20 lbs (I had gained 30 total during my pregnancy) pretty quickly, and have been dealing with the last 10 for over 2 months. I've been counting my calories AND working out 3-4 times a week...NOTHING. People have said it might be because I'm still…
  • Oh my word- that's exciting! I can't even imagine having another one right now, but I have a crazy 2 1/2 year old as well...there's definitely something to be said about having 2 close together and being done. Good luck!
  • Our 2yo calls hers by it's actual name, aka "vagina" and "bottom". We've talked about how it might be inappropriate at some point for her to call it that (case in point: that scene in "Kindergarden Cop"), but I prefer her using the actual name rather than nicknames. But I'd love to hear other's feedback as well...
  • Let the questions flow....we are ALL experts after all (dripping with sarcasm)...Entertain us! :wink:
  • Welcome!! Let the fun begin:)
  • The name of mine is "Errin", but I think there's plenty out there just like it that do the trick. Never had an issue with it and love the security of knowing I'm not having another one until we are both ready!:) Good luck...
  • I don't know the exact name of the BC I'm currently taking- but it's commonly called the "half-pill". Since I'm breastfeeding, I only need half the strength, and I haven't noticed any weight gain. Ask your doctor about it!:)
  • It's true- I've been stuck for a while, then I increased my calories a bit and lost weight. Still not losing as fast as other breastfeeding moms- but at least I know I'm being healthy/getting endorphins when I work out. Don't let anyone's comments affect the way you feel about YOU. You just carried a living being and are…
  • Out of curiosity, how old is your baby? As far as your boobs feeling "less full", that's COMPLETELY normal. After a while, your body knows how much milk to produce for each day and it starts to regulate itself. So, you'll still be full-er before a feeding, but I noticed my boobs don't feel all that full all that often, but…