michiganderrdh Member


  • There is NOTHING wrong with exercising every day. Obviously, there are some that allow it to get to a point where it is unhealthy, however exercise can make you happier during this tough time that you're not employed. This could a great time that you get that bf% down, too since you have more time to focus :) Ang
  • Ditto the others. MOVE ON and learn from your mistakes :). All in moderation, but I also find that if I bake it or buy it, it is eaten.
  • Welcome and this is a great community for support! Please feel free to friend me for motivation and support :) Ang
  • I did WW several years ago and while I lost 35 lbs, I was not eating "food". I hated that they pushed smartones and all of the WW processed junk. This I didn't really realize until I started having GI issues and learned to control with REAL food - fruit,veggies, etc..... If you're looking for support, please message me or…
  • Weekends are tough for me but because I'm such a structured person. I find the chaos of the weekends and lacking the schedule meaning I have difficulty eating enough. Fitness is easier because I teach group fitness at the local gym. Just focus on making this a lifestyle rather than a burden. Include your family in…
  • Sorry you're getting discouraged but I'm sure things will get better! I'm looking at your diary, I know its mainly natural but how much sugar are you getting? I would love to see the overage on that. Could you replace some things with more vegetables and hummus maybe? 1200 is pretty low for you. I'm 5'2 and 120 with a 1200…
  • I would love to see your diary to see what you are eating . I stick to 1200 on days I don't exercise (just my rest days) but otherwise 1500-1800 on days I exercise. I keep the nutrition lean and clean, primarily vegan so it really is TONS of food for the calories. I also try to eat smaller meals throughout the day which…
  • I'm 5'2" and have had 2 children and with clean eating and exercise I've actually got a belly that is in better shape than BEFORE kids. Was it easy? not at all but now it's a lifestyle! Message me and I'll describe what I did to get there :)
  • Feel free to add me :) FT working mom - I am a dental hygienist 36-4o0 hrs and teach at the YMCA. Meal planning on Sundays, workouts are when I can schedule them in. I usually do my workouts at home in my basement before or after my girls get up. I teach 2 hrs, 2 nights per week so that's a great burn ! Rule in our home:…
  • beans, almonds, almond/peanut butter, lentils, quinoa. Do you eat dairy? Maybe some good greek yogurt?
  • I LOVE almond milk! I don't drink much milk at all and find this more friendly to my digestion. I actually make my own in my vitamix which is friendlier on my budget!
  • I've been making turkey meatloaf muffins (Jamie Eason's recipe). I LOVE them! quick and easy as I make them on Sunday's, baggy them for the week so my hubby and I can grab them in a hurry. I use these as my lunch protein. My husband is training for a 1/2Ironman so he is eating 3000+ cals/day. I try to make sure there is a…
  • Great job! I've done 2 rounds and LOVE it. I'm currently doing PUMP and am really enjoying that!
  • Obviously, your body needs food at this time, so eat! Just plan it into your calories for the day. I always carry fruit and almonds.
  • I'd switch it and if he says something, unfriend him and let him know the issue.
  • Honestly, I'm not even concentrating on lack of carbs but trying to eat clean (which most breads/pastas do not fit into the category). Being a carb lover, I've not even realized I'm really not eating carbs. Obviously, If I choose to, it'll be in my calorie limit and a healthy serving vs engorging on a plate of pasta.…
  • Honestly, I'm wondering if your protein is too low? Get some healthy, wholesome fat in there. I make turkey meatloaf muffins (Jamie Eason's recipe) and eat them for lunch every day. This totally helps to hold me over as I rarely have time for an afternoon snack. 2cups grd turkey breast 1 cup quick oats 4 egg whites 2 tbsp…
  • Ditto. Think about how you feel afterwards???? LIKE TOTAL CRAP. Especially when what you at was unhealthy and left you wanting more food (because you need actual nutrition). Are there times I take a bite of something? or make a wrong choice? Sure but I totally don't plan that at all. It's setting yourself up for failure.…
  • Ditto! I love to mix fruit with mine! I've also heard pumpkin works well!
  • My gastroenterologist carries it :) He does gastic surgeries and also has nutrition counseling for his patients and this is something he rec's to them.
  • FIrst off - CONGRATS! That first week is ROUGH! I lost 9 lbs/12% BF with the full 90 days. I LOVED it . I found that I had the best results when I ATE CLEAN (which I'm currently doing). Keep it up! Feel free to message me with any questions!
  • Congrats!! Now you get to work on a 10k :P That's my next race (in May).
  • Personally, I actually am much more satisfied eating often. Ditto - depends on the person. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all. I also up my cals on the days I workout hard (cal cycling). It keeps me energized and going. Side note: I do have hypoglycemic tendencies so eating protein often helps me. Also: women LOVE…
  • i also graze throughout the day. breakfast - Protein shake , snack - almonds/fruit, lunch - salad/protein/fruit, dinner - protein/veg What are you doing for workouts?
  • I have a protein shake w/berries and Keifer every morning. I also eat frequently so shake at 6:30 and snack at 9:30 :)
  • almonds? I actually make Jamie Eason's Turkey muffins and those are a GREAT way to get low calorie protein in!
  • Any Beachbody coach does coaching for free :) I've drank Shakeology for 2+ yrs now. I've tried others because of the cost but was left feeling like the others weren't as filling (one, a MEAL replacement shake shouldn't be only 80calories), and I LOVED that there isn't one ingredient in this that I wouldn't feed my…
  • I often drink hot water with lemon in it during winter :)
  • Dental hygienist here and honestly, I'm surprised people drink as much pop as they do. I had one gal upset with me because she had 7 new cavities but drinks a 2lt/day of Coke. Terrible stuff!
  • SAME :) I actually make my own almond milk with my vitamix