4 months of nonstop dieting probably isn't the best for your metabolism. Lookup a YouTube video "metabolic damage" by Dr. Layne Norton
It sounds like classic metabolic damage to me. You'll need to eat at a surplus for several weeks to several months to allow your body to heal. If you want more info listen to what this pro body builder/coach/PhD in nutritional sciences has to say about it.…
I was thinking that same thing. A tortilla?!?
Being a PK, I know how awesome the church pot lucks can be ???? We have them nearly every Sunday and I can't recall ever not stuffing myself sick lol!
I think you may be confusing BMR with TDEE
Quoted for truth
When I had a gym membership I used both. Now I only train at home but don't have DB's heavy enought to press with. So I use a bar and do decline, and incline press.
My wife counts how many farts unleashed after we eat Indian food. One time I was up to like 30 lol!
Thank you everyone for the well wishes! I have been so blessed to have found and married my best friend. I love you so very much mahal, and I promise to keep and honor those vows that I made today.
Exactly, genetics are the main contributing factor which dictates what you die of. My grandpa's brother smoked and drank hard liquor nearly everyday of his life since he was 16. He ate full fat foods, and lots of sweets. According to Dr's he should have died before his 70th birthday due to his lifestyle. However he lived…
What are good and bad proteins? I never heard about this in school?
Actually yes. I drink a liter of Mtn Dew several days a week, I eat ice cream, pop tarts, snickers, cake, donuts, etc and I'm in better shape than most people that eat tasteless rabbit food all day. Maybe children are overweight because PE has been removed from school, they are driven to and from school, in my day I rode…
You are misinformed. Fructose doesn't break down slower, it's a monosaccharide so it's absorbed immediately in the intestines. Sucrose is a disaccharide and requires the enzyme sucrase to break down the molecule into fructose and glucose. Both fructose and sucrose will cause weight gain if you consume more calories than…
As mentioned, overtraining the same muscle can prevent progress.
Eat at a surplus until your metabolism repairs itself.
Yeah, because morbidly obese men are sooo much more appealing right?
Where the heck did you get that arbitrary % from?
So true! I conduct research for a living, and most days consist of me screwing around and taking pictures and notes of what makes the biggest mess lol!
If you have a Carmax dealership near you, I highly recommend taking your car there for a buy back quote. I have several friends that sold their cars to Carmax and received very good offers. Much simpler than selling the car on your own.
Great read!
If by "in the kitchen" you mean eating clean, then no. I got down to single digit BF% and my leanest ever with popping abs, eating pizza, burgers, etc on a daily basis.
Even noob gains are negligible, a few lbs, if that. 19lbs in 3 months for a woman, as already stated is impossible, even if she were on the juice.
I see what you did there
Dat der CellTech
^^^Exactly! Classic textbook example of YOYO dieter's syndrome. Why is this so hard for people to comprehend?
You're fooling yourself if you think you can magically burn pure fat without losing muscle mass. And no, you are not building new muscle if you are dieting and aren't on the juice.
If you can lose 20lbs on your own, why do you need a trainer? You can learn form from various websites and YouTube videos.
You mad or butthurt because she lifts more than you brah?
Guess what genius, the most common compound in most diet pills is caffeine.
Very good advice! I took a power lifting training class and we weren't allowed to lift anything heavier than the bar for the first month. It wasn't until after we proved we had correct form down, and we broke out from our bad habits, were we allowed to add more weight.