CathyNS Member


  • I would really like to start getting my workout in before work as well, I find after work I don't put as much effort into it as I would in the morning. My question is what time does everyone go to bed to get up that early?
  • I made this for supper tonight it was so delicious: Moroccan Stewed Chicken I used real tomatoes to cut down on the sodium and didn't add salt and pepper and my hubby said it was good except it needed more salt, can't please everyone I guess :)
  • What's the sodium like for them? I stopped going to Subway for lunch after the first time I entered my sub in my food diary here and had ingested half of my sodium for the day YIKES!
  • I'm glad to hear that others think the calories burned on the Wii Biggest Loser seem to be off. I stopped using the game and have been considering emailing the manufacturer because it was frustrating me that I was sweating and working hard and not seeing that calorie counter go up fast. I was used to the EA Sports Active…
  • I watch my sodium too and from what I have read up on sodium there isn't any cooking method that you can do to remove the sodium from processed meats. Once it is in there it's there to stay because they use sodium nitrate which is a chemical and different in composition than regular table salt. If any of the sodium did…
  • I am not a big fan of the Wii Biggest Loser game either, doesn't seem to respond to my movements like the Wii Active does which is a much better game. I'd recommend buying the Wii Active over the Biggest Loser game.
  • I am definitely not an expert on these things but I took a look at your food diary for the past week (hope you don't mind) and I noticed that your sodium levels seem high. I try to keep my levels at 1500-1700mg a day, I actually changed that goal in my settings as I thought the 2500 default was above what my doctor…
  • I struggle with this as well as I carefully monitor my sodium intake due to high blood pressure. You should check out your grocery store bakery, here ours makes their own version of low sodium bread that is 140mg for 2 slices. I limit myself to 1500mg of sodium per day and unfortunately that has meant cutting out the bread…