Do you get up at 5:30amish to workout?

brittk70 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
If you do, I want to hear from the hell do you do it?
More and more I am realizing that if I want to get my workout in, I have got to get up and get it done before my husband and kids get up. Before the day gets going. For the past week and a half I have set that alarm. This morning was the first morning that I didn't shut it off. I got up....I got that's a start, I guess?

Tips? Secrets? How do you do it? How long have you been doing it? And do you offer a wake up call service :)?

Love to hear your success stories -



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I get up at 4:15. Just do it for a while and it becomes a habit. I wake up before the clock goes off now. May 31st it will be a year of early morning workouts.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I can beat that! 4:30 am. Because I have to be to work by 6:45am and get out by 3:30 and normally make my appointments etc for after work. I know the only time I'll get it in is if I do it right away.

    It IS hard, but you just have to suck it up and do it!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I actually get up at about 4am to go running before I go in to the office. For me, the big defining factor was that I picked a race, set up a training plan, and knew that if I didn't stick to it I'd never be able to run the way I wanted to. Perhaps give yourself some solid goals by solid dates, and then plan a way to get there. And truthfully, on my rest days when I sleep in until 5:30, I'm SO much more tired all day!
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I've love to get up at 5:30!! :wink: I have to get up at 4:15 in order to get a decent workout in and make it to work on time (I live 30 miles from where I work). There's no special secret to it. I try to go to bed at a decent out and when the alarm goes off, just get up...I have to do this or I will talk myself out of it! It helps that my husband also gets up with me, so I have that support there.

    You can do it, good luck!! :happy:
  • I am up at 4:15 a.m. Monday thru Friday to get my jiggly butt to the gym. Its a mindset, you just have to do it and once you get going your body will adjust. I would probably do it on the weekend also but my gym doesn't open until 7 a.m., on those days. I have faith that you can do it if you want it bad enough.
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    It's not easy. You have to force yourself to do it. I get up about 5:05, make coffee, put my clothes on, have a shot of coffee, and then hit it. The whole time I cuss and swear (and I'm really a morning person, but it's so DARK) and after 5 minutes I'm wide awake, and the post-workout feeling is amazing and my energy level soars all day long.

    It's totally worth it. Just make yourself do it and then it gets easier and easier and you'll miss on your "sleep in" days.
  • btmixon
    btmixon Posts: 55 Member
    I'm with you on this. The only time I can workout and not feel bad that it is cutting into family time is at 5:00. Problem is I can't drag my *kitten* out of bed. The times I do manage to do it, I feel great all day. But when the alarm goes off at 4:20, I usually roll over and reset it. I would love some AM motivation. I feel bed when I skip the gym, but at that time of the morning my brain is not functioning enough to realize how good it feels to workout and that I NEED to go....
  • Lillyzar
    Lillyzar Posts: 46 Member
    I get up at 5:00am so that I can be at the gym when it opens at 5:30. I've noticed that if I don't set my clothes out and I feel like I have to go searching for anything in the morning, I won't go. I'll stay in be because "It's too much." I have a gym buddy too and we text each other at 5am before I pick her up.

    Our texts usually consists of...."U up?"...."yup, u"...."yeah."

    We're both super competative so neither wants to be the one to cancel but some days we are both hoping that the other does. :)
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm up and at it by 4:30 or 5am most days and put in 70 - 90 minutes of exercise before going to work. Then I usually do another 60 - 90 at night. I love it =)
  • I got up at 5:20 today and it was my first! I had a bootcamp at 5:45 and it was a 10 minute drive away. So I got up at 5:20 (wore sports bra and workout pants to bed), threw on my layers of shirts and some sweat pants, packed a quick bag and got in my car. Then I blasted some loud rock music and sang the whole drive haha. I was still in sleepy mode and said (out loud), "What the hell am I doing?" because I'm not a morning person. But I went to bed knowing that I'd get up early, decided it before falling asleep, and then carried out the plan.

    I think that'll be how I do it from now on. Go to bed in my workout clothes (or some of them at least), pack my bag ahead of time or have it laid out at least, then just grab and go. And have music! It's all about that attitude when you climb into bed.
  • alsnur1
    alsnur1 Posts: 12
    I would love to know how too. The only time I can do it is on my weekends off (which is only every other since I am a nurse). I have a friend who meets me at 7am so I am forced to get up. During the week.... not so much, I want to get up at 6am on my days off and workout until my husband leaves for work at 7 but can't seem to get out of bed.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm not a success story...yet! *wink* But I'm hoping to be soon! I get up at 5:05am (mentally 5am is too much for me, lol, so I set it for 505) I'm at the gym by 515. I set out all my workout clothes before, pack my gym bag, fill my drink bottle and get my granola bar out the night before. I set the alarm clock. I used to have to set my phone alarm clock too so that I'd have to deal with two alarms in case I felt the bug of not getting up with one. It's become habit now. By the weekend, I'm glad to be able to bump that down to 630am since the extra sleep helps keep me going. But for me, the kids are asleep- I can lose the feeling of 'missing time with them' if I go at 5ish because they are still asleep. And I've found that I'm just more pleasant to be around by the time they wake up. I've had my 'me' time, I've had time to get my exercise in, get lunches/breakfasts started, shower, get dressed etc. so by the time they get up I'm all theirs for that little bit of time before it's off to work.

    I tried going at night, and sometimes I still do if something throws off my morning schedule (for example, I end up at my Mom's sometimes during the week and stay there so I have to do night workouts the following day) and I see a difference in my endurance. I'm just starting off with the energy of the day at 515. For me, by 9pm when I can get in a night workout, I'm worn out. And can't give it my all.

    It really came down to a mental thing for me. Getting in the habit. Getting prepared. And I was off and running.

    Good luck to you. It's hard in the beginning but you'll feel better in the long run.
  • CathyNS
    CathyNS Posts: 10 Member
    I would really like to start getting my workout in before work as well, I find after work I don't put as much effort into it as I would in the morning. My question is what time does everyone go to bed to get up that early?
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    3:40AM...That's the time my first alarm goes off :) Gotta get in at LEAST 40 minutes of exercise; get baby dressed and bottled; get myself together and travel to work by 6am!

    It's not easy, but you get used to it after a while...

    If I DONT get in a good sweat before work, I feel tired, start dragging by lunch...I have so much more energy on days I get up in the morning
  • AmandaD99
    AmandaD99 Posts: 23 Member
    My fiance and I get up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am. He has to leave for work at 6:30, so the only time to get a decent workout in is to go super early when the gym opens. I don't have to be to work until 8am, but if I didn't get up when he does and go to the gym with him, I probably wouldn't go most mornings. So we motivate each other. As much of a drag that it is, we both really do feel better and more energized after going first thing in the morning. Plus the gym is pretty empty at that time, which is a definite benefit to going so early!

    Granted we don't have any kids, so I guess I don't really have any good advice for you in that regard. Could/would your husband get up early and workout with you? Even if just doing an exercise DVD at home so you can still keep an eye on the kids?
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    I set my alarm for 515 so I am out of bed by 530, out of the door by 545 for my run. It took me a long while to get "used" to it, and even though I dont skip it as much as I used to, there are still mornings that I am not fully awake heading out and will be a few kms into my run when I really wake up and am like "HUH?" XD The only thing that gets my butt out of bed most mornings is the knowledge that if I dont get up and do it right then, then I wont be doing it at all that day.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I had been getting up at 5:30, getting to the gym by 6am and usually back at home before 7. I found I was sleepy during the day so this week I switched to day time workouts. I homeschool my kids so a daytime workout involves dragging 4 kids to the gym childcare. I am no less tired during the day so I think next week I am going to switch back to my morning workouts. I love the peace of the gym so early in the morning, my gym tends to be quite hectic at 4pm. I also kinda got used to just waking up and found myself waking up before my 5:30 alarm. I got used to it back when I was in the army, I figured I could get used to it again.
  • sheenmarie3
    sheenmarie3 Posts: 38 Member
    On Tuesday, I started getting up at 5:30a to do Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I am not a morning person at all, but told myself that a 30 minute circuit workout is doable! Plus I set a goal that I want to try to finish it in 35 days! So I know I need to do it in the mornings to reach that goal. Make goals for yourself, small ones at first then build on those.
  • I get up @ 4:50am, make coffee, get dressed, drink coffee, drive to gym, work out, drive home, shower, dress and at work @ 7.
    Took 3 weeks to get to the point where I didn't hate every second - that was in November 2010 - then it became a habit - THEN came daylight savings time and I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly have a hard time getting out of bed AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGG
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    I do not have kids, but I always have been working out after work. This didn't leave me much time for house work and relaxation. I started this week and I feel great all day at work because of it. The first two days I hit snooze 4 times, but now I love doing it to get it out of the way and feel good from the start of the day. I think after you do it a couple days your body will adjust like mine did :) I try to go to sleep at 10, i am usually tired by then anyway ;)
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