

  • If you was SERIOUSLY over weight, then once a month would be adequate. As you are not over weight, once a week or at best once a fortnight would surfice for you. I honestly hate females who think that they are overweight when they are not. Most of their problems are pyschological. You are a beautiful woman and should be…
  • @ Splasheh I honestly have to say that you do not need to be on a diet from your picture. You are far from fat, and you are far from average build. Someone has to stop you before you go to far and one step away from anorexia. Losing weight is all fine and good for when you have weight to lose, you look your ideal weight…
  • Being perfectly honest, you cannot really rely upon what is in the database for takeaways. I deliver for an Indian resturant, and they do not even know how much calories are in them. So literally people are guestimating what the calories actually are. Each resturant will be different, some will use cheap and nasty bits of…
  • Personally I would recomend the X-Box 360 and also Kinect for fitness games. The Wii is ok, but the Kinect is now the big hitter. Sadly it depends on how much you can afford really.
  • Cheers chap. 9 stone is 126lb. Ideally I would like to get up to 168lb at least, who knows maybe even more. I have made a good start today at least, with an omelette for breakfast (3 eggs) 2 slices of toast, I was going to have tuna sandwhiches and 2 boiled eggs for a snack, but once I drunk my protein shake I was still…
  • You look perfect as you are colgosling, but if losing weight is what makes you happy, then do what makes you happy,
  • Give me a 16/18 with the boobs to go with that, and I am in heaven. Give me a 16/18 with no boobs then nah just does not look right. For me skinny girls do not appeal to me so much, their backsides do tend to look better in jeans though. At the end of the day really it all comes down to personal taste, and also…