

  • I am in a similar position as you! I have 3 kids and a year after my third, I am still around the same weight I was when he was born. I am a stay at home mom as well and overwhelmed a lot of the time with trying to keep the house in balanced and 3 kids and a husband fed and clothed with clean laundry. I want to start…
  • I am not sure what your appointment be like either, seeing that I've never consulted a doctor about my eating issues. However, you are NOT alone in your binge eating behaviors. I have been like this for a while now. It used to not be so bad, but recently (within the past few years) it has gotten worse. In the last year, it…
  • First off, congrats! I just had a baby...8 months ago! I'm working to get rid of the weight too. This is one thing almost every mom has said to me: It took 9 months to get this way, don't expect it to get back to normal that fast. The celebs who do it have nannies, cooks and personal trainers. Plus, I know they use body…
  • My fiance is a a seriously lanky dude too. 6'1' and 138. When I met him he was 135 so in a year and a half, he's gained 3 pounds. He grabs the skin on his stomach and says, "See Baby, I've gained since I've been with you!" So silly. But he certainly does love the woman with curves! He tells me that my body is beautiful all…
  • Stick with only one scale, if you can. Better yet, buy a measuring tape and stick to that. Weight is such a finnicky thing. I can fluctuate 4 pounds in just one day depending on activity, bathroom, water weight, milk weight (I am breastfeeding). What is most important is that you FEEL better. Your clothes are fitting…
  • So many times in my weight loss attempts, I have gone for the "big picture" right away. If I can lose this in 30 days or if I can make it 1 week without chocolate. I say kick that philosophy to the curb! I am just trying to get through ONE day right now. I just need ONE whole day that I do good, don't binge and cheat a…
  • I don't think that should matter. I did the South Beach Diet for a long time. The diet says you should limit your sugar in everything, but I really only watched it in things like soda, candy, coffee. When it came to ketchup, fruits and things like milk, I didn't pay much attention. I still lost a lot of weight that way.…
    in Sugar? Comment by jenrobi December 2008
  • You are doing it the RIGHT way. I've lost 30 pounds in 2 months once. I used Metabolife, that was 8 years ago. Guess what, I gained it allll back. I got down to 165/160 eating right and exercising. I got pregnant and am having a hard time losing the 15 extra pounds of preggo weight. My point is, my highpoint was 210, I…
  • You look fantastic! Such a lovely shape on your legs! Keep it up!!
  • Same here. My husband is a skinny man, he's always been skinny. In fact, he has gained the most weight in his life since he has been with me (a whole THREE pounds!!) But that is because he's actually eating 3 good meals a day, and I cook pretty healthy for him. But he does snack...he will sit there with a box cereal and…
  • No tips yet, but I am in your same boat. My little boy will be 8 months old on Dec 8th and I have 15 to go to get to pre-preggo and then some to get to my goal weight. I have had a hard time because in the last few months of my pregnancy I really got into my old eating habits again. I had really kept my weight gain during…
    in New mom Comment by jenrobi December 2008
  • mee too.. except I seem to start over everyday. So, Dec 1 is my new official start and I really want to do it. I meant to do it on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, but it was my step daughter's 7th birthday and we've had cake and other unhealthy things going on this weekend so I am starting fresh tomorrow. It's so tough.
  • Yeah, I usually go for a walk on the weekdays with my son in his stroller. However, I picked him up this weekend and something popped in my back, so today my back is sore and I don't really feel like carrying his 20lb 7 month old butt down the stairs with his stroller. I will probably go for a walk later though, it needs…
    in Blah.. Comment by jenrobi November 2008
  • Hey everyone! I am new here and a new stay at home mom! I need to lose about 35 pounds to get to my goal weight of 140. 135 is optimal, but I would be quite happy at 140. I had my first child 7 months ago and have had one hell of a time losing the weight I gained during my pregnancy. When I got pregnant I was at 160, the…
  • I was going to go the other direction. I was going to print out a picture of me when I was at my largest. I think this will be a lot of motivation for me. Maybe I should also put a pic at when I was at my thinnest, which was only 165 but I felt fantastic. I am only 10 pounds heavier right now, but the weight is completely…
  • I cook 1/2 c of oatmeal with 1/2 c of 2% milk, then I add 1/2 c of unsweetened apple sauce, minibox of raisins and cinnamon. Yummmy! I eat it almost every morning. I've been varying it up with a diced up apple softened in the microwave instead of the apple sauce. Sometime I will use cranberries instead of raisins.