
MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
edited September 2022 in Chit-Chat
my friends and family all started losing weight now
i really am happy for all of them BUT not?
here i am...went from a size 20 to a 13
and they all started this diet dr
they get weekly shots of b12 or b6
and appitie pills and water pills
and are dropping weight like crazy
i wanted to GET to there size
which i did
im fitting int there clothes and we can all share
but now they are getting smaller so part ofme is like
ahhh wait for me!
then im like but theres is a quick fix?
what do you know about that stuff the drs doing?
its really popular everyone i know is doing that
im the only one
doing it by counting calories and working out
they eat fast food and junk food
and still lose ten pounds in two weeks!!!!!

sorry had to vent


  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    my friends and family all started losing weight now
    i really am happy for all of them BUT not?
    here i am...went from a size 20 to a 13
    and they all started this diet dr
    they get weekly shots of b12 or b6
    and appitie pills and water pills
    and are dropping weight like crazy
    i wanted to GET to there size
    which i did
    im fitting int there clothes and we can all share
    but now they are getting smaller so part ofme is like
    ahhh wait for me!
    then im like but theres is a quick fix?
    what do you know about that stuff the drs doing?
    its really popular everyone i know is doing that
    im the only one
    doing it by counting calories and working out
    they eat fast food and junk food
    and still lose ten pounds in two weeks!!!!!

    sorry had to vent
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I can semi relate. I have a friend who went to see the "Fat Doctor" as we call him. They gave him a bunch of pills and told him to watch his sugar. That is all. No exercise or anything. He has dropped like 28 pounds in like 3 weeks. I was happy, yet upset that he has almost caught up to me. I do it the right way. I go to the gym everyday and eat right. Then I stopped and thought. What is going to happen when the pills run out??? I know OUR way, the weight will stay off, but once the doctor cuts the pills off, what are THEY going to do??? Soon they will be putting hte weight back on and be passing you going the other direction. This is evil, but I am secretly laughing on the inside and patienlty waiting for it to happen. Then he will understand all my hard work and maybe do it the RIGHT way instead of cheating. This is just my opinion...hope it makes you feel better. Just stick with what you are doing and it will pay off in the end :flowerforyou:
  • You are doing it the RIGHT way. I've lost 30 pounds in 2 months once. I used Metabolife, that was 8 years ago. Guess what, I gained it allll back. I got down to 165/160 eating right and exercising. I got pregnant and am having a hard time losing the 15 extra pounds of preggo weight.

    My point is, my highpoint was 210, I stayed at 160/165 without a problem because i learned how to manage my weight on my own, without the aid of diet pills.

    You are not just losing weight, you are getting healthy!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    how much do they pay for his services... at least you will have money left to go shopping when your done :)

    ho and remember.. you will keep it off way easier then they will.. what you are doing is a whole process,, you will be more aware of what you eat and how it affects your body. also of the serving sizes.. as they havent learned anything.. they will put the fat back on... then you can say i told you so !!!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I would rather go the slow but steady course myself. What happens when they are cut off by the dr. Only one way for them to go...up up up.
  • I have watched my mom's weight go up and down and up and down over the years.

    The most dramatic examples have been the recent gastric bypass surgery and years ago a liquid diet.

    It has always been hard for me to watch her lose weight so quickly. She has actually gained some weight recently while I was losing and for maybe the first time since her surgery, she is bigger than me again. It was really hard watching her drop down to so small after the surgery and I was jealous. How was she wearing a 14 when I was still a 20?!

    BUT she had complications with the surgery and got sooo sick after the liquid diet that she ended up in the hospital for weeks. Both were so scary.

    I can feel great about myself knowing I don't need that stuff!!! I can do it the right way! And you know what??? I will never gain my weight back!!! Either will you! They might be losing weight now, but wait until they stop seeing their magic doctor. It will come right back on. That is the curse of yo-yo dieting. You aren't doing that... so be proud of yourself. In the end, you want your loved ones to be healthy and happy. Try to encourage them to exercise with you or pick healthier foods. :flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I know how you feel, several people at my work are doing that same method and they have dropped twice as much weight as I have in less time. Everyone raves about how great they look because the change was so sudden and drastic, meanwhile no one has really even noticed mine because it is slow and steady.

    But as others have said, take comfort in the fact that someday soon they will get tired of paying the money for these shots and the pills and doctor visits and just as quickly as the weight came off, it will come back on and then some because they don't know how to eat right and exercise.

    Besides, how knows the long term affects of losing weight this way, or since they are losing weight so quickly, they could have lots of loose skin whereas we won't since we are doing it slowly. Also, just changing our lifestyle to be healthier is a prize in the end. You can weigh more than someone else, but you can still be in better shape and be healtheir because you eat right and exercise whereas they don't. It's all about the bigger picture. Good luck!
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    its 30bucks a week

    thanks everyone for all your wisdom and reasining!
    im going to the weight loss dr
    with my friend this morning!
    being supportive and nice :-)
    im just going for her moral support
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    I understand how you feel. I have a group of friends here that are very thin, never exercise and eat whatever they want. They never knew me when I was thin, but I worked at it. I gained weight because of medicine---about 20-25 lbs. I've actually been tempted to go a quick method to loose the weight since I know how to maintain weight now that I'm off of that medicine, but the logical me says that there are many things that can happen to your body when you do this. Too much Vitamin B and 12 can cause serious problems and surgery has complications as well. Be strong (I'll try and do the same). Your weight will come off and you'll feel good about yourself at how you achieved it and they...well...l their pocket books will just be a lot lighter.
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Heya BG, first off, you ARE gorgeous! Secondly, you're doing a lifestyle, it's very courageous decision to be awesome. It's way too easy to want a quick fix, after all, that's what our society tells us is all we need. Hugz n luvyas! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Those shots work but they arent learning anything by doing it that way. My soon to be father in law lost 50 lbs that way... and he's put back on 100 since. You're learning about calories and exercise and that will help you to maintain your losses. Once they stop with the shots they'll be back where they started... minus a whole lot of money. :flowerforyou:
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