Binge Eating Disorder (no puking, no starving afterwards)

MrsBrosco Posts: 295
After doing some heavy research I have set up an appointment (for tomorrow) with my doctor to discuss my binge eating. It’s getting really bad, hiding food, hiding wrappers, eating in the bathroom, eating whole bags of candy bars at a time, driving to different stores/gas stations each day so that I’m not “judged” by the cashiers ect… The guilt that comes afterwards is the worst and I’m just so frustrated and completely overwhelmed by the situation.

I’m looking for advice from others who have sought treatment for binge eating (no puking afterwards, no starving self afterwards).

What should I expect from my doctor’s appointment?
What type of treatment options are there?
What has worked for you?
Are you/were you on antidepressants at the time of treatment? (I used to take them but haven’ in 3 years)

Any advice would be so much appreciated. I’m embarrassed and scared about taking this first step but I just don’t think I can handle the mental battle with myself anymore, time for some help.

Thank you!


  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hats off to you for recognizing your problem and seeking medical advice.

    I don't have any advice to offer on what to expect from your appointment, but I do know that for this kind of mental battle, it might not be a bad idea if you ask your doctor about a referral to a psychiatrist who has experience with eating disorders.

    Best wishes!
  • Simona40
    Simona40 Posts: 50 Member
    After several years of dealing with the same issue, I decided to talk to my doc about it too. He referred me to a GREAT psychiatrist. I'm on Cymbalta. It's really helped a lot but more than the meds, what's really helped is talking about the WHY. Why do I binge eat and why do I sabotage myself.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I have not suffered from binge eating disorders, but I simply replied to this thread to encourage you, and to reassure you that consulting a physician is a wonderful step in the right direction.
    I wish you the best, and I know you can get through this :)
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    This is something I've struggled with off and on for years. I go through good periods and not so good periods.

    I have never sought professionaol help, though. I have always just gotten myself through the worst of times when they happen and hope they don't come back. What's really helped me is to learn to be honest with myself about what's happening. I spent a lot of my life in denial; denial that it was happening, denial that it was a problem.

    I have sought treatment for depression and was on meds for about 7 months at one point while I went through cognitive therapy as well. I had some yucky side effects so I let my perscription run out and have been doing alright ever since.

    Good luck to you. Sounds like you're on the right path.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    What should I expect from my doctor’s appointment? It will be like any normal appoitment, she will sit down with you and have you discuss how you are feeling and whats going on. She will then decide from their the best options. Like should you go into a hospital for a short stay to be monitored and helped with your issue or will medicine and a therapist or psychiatrist help. (sometimes will do blood work to see if their is anything out of balance, like mine was a severe hormonal imbalance, Anemia and a low vitamin D deficiency.)

    What type of treatment options are there? There are all sorts of treatments. Normally the doctor will decide what is best for you at the time of visit. Do not lie to your doctor about anything or feel like she is judging you in anyway because she is not, she is their to help better you body and mind. My options were going into the hospital or therapist and psychiatric and meds.

    What has worked for you? The best options that worked for me were I went to a psychiatric for 1 week spoke to her she did a ton of tests and just sat down and let me bawl my eyes out and fret to her about everything, then she did a written report to tell me what she feels is going on with me and sent me back to my doctor, which then my doc put me on antidepressants to help with my hormonal imbalance/emotional eating and binging and purging and all the other issues I had to help spear the binge eating on worse. I then was with a therapist for a year and now am only left with a low dosage of anti depressant to help keep me hormonally stable and my binge eating is now 100% gone :)

    Are you/were you on antidepressants at the time of treatment? Yes :)

    Also just want to comment that I am so proud of you going in and getting help!! It will be the best thing that has ever come to your life with this disorder! you have such Courage to even talk to us on here! I kept mine hidden from my husband and family for almost 8 years and then I couldn't take it anymore and went to my doctor.
  • tobeslim618
    tobeslim618 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I have a binge disorder (emotional sugar eater) and with my therapy I realized that I am an addict. Yes you can be addicted to certain foods so I struggle every day. I have changed some foods (like white flour to whole wheat or grain) for my pastas and rice. That has helped with the cravings and non-stop eating.

    The one thing that I know for certain is that if I give up sugar (which is an awful withdrawal process) I can manage the binging. I'm in the mist of a slip so I'm struggling to get back off the sugar and it needs to be a lifetime decision.

    Good luck to you. If you are an emotional eater this will be a struggle but one worth taking.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    you sound EXACTLY like me! I am ashamed of how much money/time I waste because of binge eating. I also think people don't take it seriously; people don't know how akin it is to almost having a drug addiction. The search and need for food is often frantic and nothing can be done to rationally keep me from doing it.

    to keep myself from doing it, i simply leave my money at home. it works, that's even what drug addicts are required to do when they're on probation. it just leaves you open to binging. i was a car eater for sure, most of what i ate never made it home because i was embarrassed by how much i ate. even with the weight loss it has been a struggle, but you'll get better.

    honestly, my faith is GOD, and constantly relying on him, is ALL, it's become my everything to get through this. I feel like if this it the worse I have to deal with in life, then I'm much better off than most, and grateful for that.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Your doctor is a good start but he/she will likely refer you to a psychiatrist (for medicinal maintenance) and a psychologist or therapist (for some sort of cognitive behavioral therapy). Usually a combination of these two is the most effective.

    You might also find some benefit in mindfulness meditation or ACT therapy.

    Best of luck!
  • Thanks for this thread, and just for being open and honest and willing to discuss it here. I sometimes wonder if I have a sugar/carb addiction, and I've always wondered where to go if I think this is what is keeping me from being successful.

    Godd luck on your journey!
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I'm at school at the moment so I haven't had time to look through the whole thread, but I want you to know that I know how you feel because I'm at that position and two months into counciling for it. First of all, well done for agreeing to get help, I know that can sometimes be the worst thing.
    I can't really say what your doctor's appointment will be like, it depends on your doctor really, but when I went to my doctor I was so scared of being judged though I needent have been, he was lovely and gave me the number of the councilor I'm now with, obviously it will depend on your doctor and the services available in your area.
    At the moment I am just doing counciling sessions once a week, and although it is working and it is good to get events off my chest things that had happened in the week that had really upset me. My only problem is that I feel amazing for about an hour afterwards but after that my emotions are free to do as they wish and I personally could do with having someone or something on hand all the time, if that makes sense ?
    I am considering going to my doctor to see if there's anything I can do to help stop my BED apart from just going to councilling.
    I am so happy that you are getting help, there are a lot of people who think that BED is just a load of lazy people who eat loads of food. I can assure you that Binge Eating Disorder is real and if you don't get help it will only get worse.
    I have self harmed because I haven't been able to get food,
    Screamed and cried for entier nights
    Had to borrow money off my parents because I've been 'binging' earlier in the month
    Treated people very badly because I needed food and once or twice sunk into depression.
    If you don't get help things will only get worse and I'm here for you anytime you need me. I hope this helps :D
  • Hi. I'm sorry that you're having to go through this. It's a tough thing--I have a binge/overeating disorder. I was lucky enough to find a group through the province I'm living in. The doctor is a good place to start, but he may not even know of any particular groups, mine did not. I called a local women's health clinic and found out, by accident, that they had a group. I had called because I had joined Overeater's Anonymous and was having HUGE issues with the emotions that were coming up once I stopped binge/overeating, I was looking for free counselling. I ended up quitting OA because it was just too "black and white" for me--and I felt a lot of the people in there had just changed their addiction from eating to not eating and judging others (just my HO).

    Based on what I'm learning in my group, it is emotions that cause us to binge/overeat. We binge because that is what we know to deal with emotions, it's a life-line if you will. Once we have more and better tools to deal with our emotions, we can unlearn the behavior of turning to food to avoid or dampen our feelings.

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey and hope you find the help you need! Friend me if you like...Take care!
  • I am not sure what your appointment be like either, seeing that I've never consulted a doctor about my eating issues. However, you are NOT alone in your binge eating behaviors. I have been like this for a while now. It used to not be so bad, but recently (within the past few years) it has gotten worse. In the last year, it has gotten awful.

    I do many of the same things others have said. Not eating in front of people, graduating from small packs of cookies to the larger bags and eating them in the car. Throwing away half-eaten bags so I don't bring them home and people wonder why half the cookies are already gone when they were just purchased. Most of my binging occurs in the car, as well.

    I am not sure exactly WHY I do it. The only thing that has changed between now and a few years ago is my stress level. Five years ago, I had no children. Today, I have three and a husband. One of the children is his daughter from another relationship and she started living with us 2 years ago (I actually think this is when it started to get escalate). The other two kids are my boys, 4 and 1. I constantly feel overwhelmed.

    It's great to get help for something that has run your life. This is not a fun way to live. Good luck!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I agree--know that you aren't alone. I usually binge on stuff when my husband is upstairs taking care of our son. I've finally worked up the courage to talk to him about it, and we have a reward system put in place. So far I'm at 8 binge-free days. Best of luck to you.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I am friends with some really great resources in the eating disorder community, and have a wide breadth of education on the subject as well.

    What should I expect from my doctor’s appointment? Depending on your doctor's education and expertise, they will either advise you seek counseling with a qualified provider, or will be able to address it with you then and there. One of the things that I suggest asking for is a baseline CBC and vitamin profile to determine where you might need to work, what deficiencies you might have, etc.

    What type of treatment options are there? Most of the time, treatment will include psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and sometimes medication. Not all doctors will do medications though, because some can influence your ability to control binges (that is, they can alter your ability to keep yourself in check, and could cause things to get worse). Before starting any medication, PLEASE research it to understand the possible side effects. ASK how it might impact your diet, metabolism, and mental processes. Find a good eating disorder counselor.

    What has worked for you? Honestly? The thing that has helped the most is taking ownership of my problem with EDs and mentally refusing myself temptations. I don't allow myself to stop at places where I know I'll be tempted to buy heaps of junk. If I have to go into a store, I don't go into those aisles. You have to understand that this is not just a random issue in your body... It is a mental disorder, and you have the power to overcome the issue. Any treatment you seek out is only a tool to help you develop the ability to choose against the urge to binge.

    Are you/were you on antidepressants at the time of treatment? (I used to take them but haven’ in 3 years) Right now, I'm taking a couple medications, but I have never been put on anything specifically for eating disorders. However, my psych meds are chosen with the ED issues in mind. That is, we discuss and review medications, and select options that are least indicated to cause problems with the struggles I have.

    Good luck!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I have BED too, there is no cure for us. I am in and out of online OA. Please feel free to friend me if you wish.
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