

  • small barbells, the rubber bands (I know that's not their real name, but that's what they look like- I think they're resistance bands), heck you can even lift plastic bags with a few cans in them. Save milk gallon containers and fill with water use them for lifting (just make sure you secure that lid). Squats you don't…
  • I have bad knees (I'll be having surgery soon) and lunges are my one big NO from my doctor. He said whenever I work out and it calls for lunges to do squats instead.
  • Hi Justin! One of my instructors at my gym has a son who plays football for A&M. I hear about him all the time (no clue what his name is, just that she is a really proud mom!). Plateaus are no fun. I went through one that lasted about months. I think what finally broke it for me was adding in a different exercise (swimming…
  • Maybe the first thing you could do is take a long walk. Use it, not only for exercise but a time to clear your mind and think about everything that's going on and how you want to procede. Walking is very therapeutic for me. And it might be that first step you need to start getting yourself back on track.
  • thrift stores, your local area's freecycle, even yard sales.
  • Our pinenuts aren't kept with the other nuts at our store. They're actually kept in the baking aisle with the smaller bags of nuts (like walnuts, pecans, almond slivers) that you would use in baking. Not sure why they're kept there, but that's where they are. Don't know if other stores do that or if ours are weird...
    in Pesto? Comment by vibral September 2011
  • I am a mom of 3. Two are preteens (one is autistic) and one child is a toddler who will be 3 in just a few short weeks. To say I'm busy is an understatement! Fitting in healthy eating, execising, and all the joys of trying to get in shape can be trying some days. I would love to get to know you and help you along with your…
    in I'm new Comment by vibral September 2011
  • Hi! I'm in the same boat with hoping to average about 2 pounds a week. I love my gym, but even with my love, there are those days I just don't want to go. I take a combat class and a weight lifting class 3 times a week there hoping to tone up while I lose. I've got about 60 to go. It's hard staying motivated some days,…
  • Congrats on quitting smoking. I've been off for a little over a year now and while 98 percent of the time I do great and don't miss them at all, it's that 2 percent that kill me. A sudden urge out of nowhere that can make me insane. I'm learning to take a long walk or even a bath. Anything to get my mind off them. It's…
  • I think it's great that your trying to "keep up" with your wife (for lack of better terminology). For years I tried to journal my foods and exercise but I just couldn't do it. It was too annoying to carry around a little notebook or try to remember everything for when I got home. This site is my fresh start. And hopefully…
  • I'm horrible about breakfast too. I just skip it most days or drink coffee and go. I know I should eat, but the thought of cooking something...sigh. Anyhow, I've been told to try protein shakes. I might give that a shot this week. I don't know why breakfast is such a struggle for a lot of us! We're in such a hurry in the…
  • I actually managed to get to the gym this morning for both my weight and combat class. Now I need water and sleep....