sinny10 Member


  • Most definitly and HUGE success!!!!! Running that first mile is an awesome feeling! Keep up the hard work! Very impressive!!!!!!! =-)
  • try adding some type of meat.... lean turkey, chicken or even som grilled steak. Really adds to the flavor and the protein from the meat will help fill you up. =-)
  • I know its hard to drink that much water, but It's amazing how much it helps with the weight loss. I find it eaiest to drink the most in the morning, before noon. I try for a least 3 bottles before lunch, and then the rest throughout the day, that way im not getting up several times during the night.
    in water Comment by sinny10 January 2012
  • I need the support/motivation also. Will add you :happy: Good luck! cindy
  • Hi Tina Congratulaions! I too am working towards a goal of 145 lbs. Right now just hit 175lbs. Started at 191! Crazy! I have used this site off and on for awhile now and it really does work. Good luck to you! :happy: Cindy p.s. im from Michigan too.
  • Keep with the running and the biking. You are definity on the right track there. Gotta burn more than you put in. =-) Happy running!
    in my gut Comment by sinny10 January 2011