The Beta-Alanine in it is what gives you the tingles. Decent pre-workout supplement
Also rep scheme is a big factor. 10 - 12 reps is an hones workout. Also try slowing the negative potion of a lift. For example, 1-2 seconds to lift, 3-6 seconds to lower!
Go to youtube and search seated calf raises. There are many vids to show you how to do it. The key is not weight, but proper form getting a full range of motion. Most folks in the gym do not know how to do this exercise, so do not feel bad. Slow controlled reps with maximum stretch at the bottom and full contraction at the…
My best ever deadlift was 505 pounds at a body weight of 170.
Just be careful working out 6 days a week, you body does need recovery time. For example you are indirectly working biceps when you do a back routine, so if you are training biceps twice a week, then in actuality you are doing them 3 times a week. Throw in your 7 days of cardio and you could easily over train! I would…
I would be glad to share but my workout routine is very tough and old school. But it gets results!
Make sure the weight in sufficient enough to work the muscle. A very simple rule of thumb is, if you cannot maintain correct / strict form with a weight it is too heavy. You want to work the muscle not injure a joint. So try a heavier weight using that as your guide!