theos_human Member


  • This is so awesome! Way to go! It's always nice to be surprised by the people at the gym! And if it motivated you to push through to the 60 min, even better! I have a similar story- once I was working out at a ladies gym (it was closer and much less busy than the co-ed, even if the selection was a little worse), and I was…
  • I feel your pain! I found that once it was all gone I was less likely to fall back on it. And the groceries on a budget is tough, but I would rather spend a few extra dollars now than the thousands of dollars in insurance and tax dollars it would cost to fix me later if I don't get healthy! A couple tips: I buy a lot of…
  • This is the best outlook to have! Positivity! Welcome to MFP and good luck! I've been on MFP off and on for a while- I tried going Solo the past which didn't work for me! Looking for friends to keep me motivated and challenged, and accountable ;) I've also got around 100 lbs I'd like to lose! Anyone feel free to message or…
  • Hi! I'm a Meagan too! Looks like we're pretty much in the same boat! I'm in my first year of grad school, and gained way more than the freshman 15! I lost a bit when I moved off campus, but stress eating and lack of exercise took its toll throughout the rest of my undergrad.. I'm back on MFP and ready to kick some butt,…
  • Oh no! I know when I changed out the battery I had to use a screwdriver to get enough pressure for the cap to stay on! Good luck- hopefully you can get it all taken care of before your next workout! :)
  • Firstly: KUDOS on the inches and weight lost! You're rocking it! I definitely know where you're coming from! Now that fitness is becoming a bigger part of my life, I'm noticing myself and my body more- not necessarily becoming more critical of myself than I used to be, but the increase in attention has certainly brought up…
  • I'm a little late in joining this thread, but I love a good challenge! SW: 253 CW: 247 UGW: 150 Original percentage: 41% Current = 39% left to go!
  • Starting out can be super scary, but MFP is so supportive! I tried doing MFP as a solo, no-friends food diary, and I lost my motivation way too fast. Use everyone around you, we're all here for you! Feel free to add me, I have 90-100lb I want to lose, and I love seeing everyone else's progress!
  • Hi everyone! This is exactly the thread I was looking for! I've had MFP for a while, but I've been on hiatus for far too long! I'm pretty good with logging and eating right when I'm dedicated to MFP, but being a grad student, the stress of exams and the changing of my schedules (school, moving home for summer, summer job,…
  • The back of the watch? My FT4 has a sliding lock that needs to be turned to lock the back panel into place- did you try that? The back panel that says polar needs to be straight for the panel to stay on. Hope this helps!
  • So amazing! So proud of you for sticking to your guns and going with your measurements! The scale can be helpful or discouraging. There seems to be so much pressure to get to a certain weight- but I think as long as you're comfortable in your own skin then that's what matters!
    in My NSV Comment by theos_human March 2013
  • First off- love my Polar watch- I get so frustrated if I forget to bring it to a workout! I find I also burn more on my FT4 than what fitness pal has me logging, or what the machines at the gym say. That being said, you might want to look into the Gross vs. Net calories burned. The HRM measures gross calories. For…
  • People who ask you for advice- healthy eating, gym workouts, tracking etc. And then go on to criticize or tell you that you're wrong! "You don't want to lift heavy- you'll bulk up- low weight and high rep is the way to go" "You eat HOW much protein?" "I don't know why you have rice for supper, you shouldn't have starch…
  • First off- congratulations are in order! An inch is an inch! Great job! Lifting is always a good idea! Also- you may be losing from places other than your waist! Have you considered doing measurements on more places? (I.e. chest, hips, arms or thighs)? You might have a chance to see some more welcome progress there too! :)
  • These are all really awesome! I know I'm just starting out, but I have 3 so far! 1. Had to buy smaller pants (always a good feeling!) 2. Passed 100lbs for deadlift a couple weeks ago 3. Yesterday, I was running late for class and thought I would miss the bus. Instead of waiting for the next bus (another 15 min), my…
  • Amazing- going to keep coming back to this when I have a 'bad' day :)
  • I can completely see where you are coming from, trying to focus on your fitness goals. But my advice (if it's worth it!) is to try and see! Sometimes new relationships can be all whirl-windy and you get wrapped up in it, but as long as you take time for yourself, it could be amazing- who knows- he could be a great one!…
  • Don't get too discouraged! I know what you mean about taking those first measurements! My realization happened last month, and I was in the exact same mood as you- frustrated, disheartened and disappointed that I let that happen to myself. Great plan to use it as motivation! Push it harder at the gym, and up the weight…
  • Hi! I just joined the group! I'm 21, my SW was 253, and I know this is a little late, but if you're still looking for a twin, I'd love to be one! I'm juggling working out with being a full time student, and trying t make better choices when I have to be at school for long days- as well as squeezing work-outs in whenever I…