sounds delish!
i'll give it a try -thanks!
You can use it any time you would have used sour cream. For example, I add dill and onion to make a veggie dip or cumin and garlic to make a taco dip. If you want something sweet try some berries and honey or vanilla.
I don't think there is a exact "should" but rather finding what works for you. I used to eat only ~300 but I was starving by 10:00. I then added a morning snack at this time which really held me over and stopped me from wanting to overeat at lunch. This worked really well but I"m not always able to eat in the mid-morning…
As above, it might help to figure out what exactly you don't like. Is it flavor? texture? Try different textures like tuna or swordfish steak if you don't like the flakyness of a typical fillet. It it's a flavor thing, try fish with a really mild flavor and then marinate it with flavors that you like. If that doesn't work,…
Oh wow, I didn't realize you could get them that cheap! All the ones I was looking at on amazon were $100+
- has a great playground workout, check it out!
This is pretty low for a woman, just be sure that you don't go overboard here- too low of a BF % can really mess up your menstrual cycle and cause other problems. Google "Female Athlete Triad" and read up on the consequences of a very low BF percentage before you made any drastic changes. Not trying to discourage you, just…
Similar as above, I do about 15 minutes of easy cardio to get warm, especially on days when I squat because it requires a lot of flexibility (at least for me!). I usually do 10 minutes on the bike then 5 minutes of dynamic stretching for my hips. I find that an easy warm up helps me get psyched up for heavy lifts,…
Squat, bench, and deadlift my body weight by the end of summer. I've got about 50lbs to add to each. Complete my first triathalon-2nd weekend of august!
"pumpkin pie" oatmeal-old fashioned oats+pumpkin puree+brown sugar+ cinnamon+vanilla extract=epic awesomeness
1. stopwatch 2. lifting notebook 3. towel 4.BAMF attitude
Same here. Tea has been my savior. The warm comfort of a nice mug of tea really helps me to feel full and relax. -Almost forgot, make sure it's decaf!
you can't tone what you don't have. Don't be afraid to pack on some muscle, I promise you won't look bulky or manly (unless you take drugs). I played ice hockey for 10 years squatting super heavy (1.2 my body weight) and my legs are (well eh..were ) very "toned" looking but still only ~20 inches around at the widest. Check…
Do you swim? I had to take weeks off because of tendonitis in my quad but I was able to swin with a pull buoy. You'll want to avoid pushing off the wall but I just did a very modified flip and "tapped off" with my good side.
I highly recomend buying/ renting The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Really easy read and it basically lays out exactly what you are supposed to do
A hot cup of tea. I realized recently that sometimes when I'm feeling "munchy" I'm actually just cold (go figure wisconsin!). I have a hot tea and put on a sweatshirt and then wait 20 minutes to see if I'm still hungry.
I would recomed buying them online because GNC and other stores are really expensive. Also, I sometimes prefer protein bars instead of shakes. Sometimes the drink doesn't really make me feel full even though they run between 250 and 300 calories. The bars are usually about the same but they tend to satisfy me more than…
Might be tough to do at home but HEAVY squats and lunges are key. A lot of women are afraid of bulking when doing heavy weights but realistically you don't have enough testosterone to add significant bulk ie. you won't end up looking like a dude. What you will add is solid muscle and you'll see the effect of that as "tone".
So i'm not sure exactly which is probably why i am having a hard time with this! Bascially, once I get the bar to just past my knees i feel like I'm tipping forward and my shoulders start to round forward, I feel like the bar gets in the way of my hips coming foward to lock out. Does that make any sense?
squats, dealifts, etc. Big heavy compound lifts, none of that bunny weight crap. Add to that a high protein diet and some moderate cardio and you'll see some nice gains in muscle all over.
Wow great job! Assuming that's your son (?), what a great example you will be to him!
Haha, omg I wish! I'm a med student so I feel ya about the studying but sadly, although my brain is churning away the glucose, my heart rate is hardly in zone lol. Unless you count the palpations I get when I realized how much crap I need to learn in the next 48 hours (which of course is why I'm wasting time on MFP)
For learning/ building up to push ups I would suggest doing them on an angle vs. doing them on your knees. When you start with knee push ups, you take your lower body out of the equation and don't learn how to engage your core to keep your body in a plank. It's a lot easier to balance your midsection over your knees vs.…
it gets easier as you go because MFP remembers your favorites. Also, I really like the "my meals" section because you can enter in the recepies you use often and only have to count everything up onces. It takes an initial investment of time and energy but the results are worth it!
I write down a landmark to measure from. So for example, I have a scar on my right leg that I uses to measure my thigh with and I use my ASIS and then measure down to my hips.
Totally agree, when I first started doing this I didn't track macros but just focused on calories. After a while, I started taking a closer look at macros and really started to focus on protein to go with my lifting. I've found that they go hand in hand in that aiming for good macros helps me stay under. That said,…
you have such a beautiful waist now, great job!
To squat big girl plates (45's) and get my hockey legs back, to have visible back muscles, and to finish my first triathlon this July :-)