bixa Member


  • I'm 5'3". At my heaviest I was at 184, currently at 177ish. It's coming off very slowly. I appreciate women with curves, including myself. Therefore, I want to get down to 140 and maintain from there. I'm guessing I'll be around a size 7-9ish, which is my goal. I haven't tracked calories for a while, but I understand my…
  • I too use a FitBit. At first I wasn't terribly impressed. It didn't motivate me to change my habits at all. When I first started wearing it (I've had it for about a month) I was only getting a very low average of 2500 steps per day (unless it was a gym day). It really woke me up to how sedentary I am. Without consciously…
  • I'm a huge Harry potter fan as well. I've read all of them a zillion times,and have recently discovered the audio books. They are fantastic, I definitely reccomend them. I also enjoy gaming. I'm still on a skyrim kick right now. I've gotta get it out of my system though, college plus skyrim isn't a good combo for me.…
  • Most of my weight loss goals are dashed from drinking. I've been attempting to drink less beer (failed lately) and more vodka and gin. One of my favorite drinks is lemon/lime sparkling water (like perrier, or la croix, etc) with lots of ice, potentially a lime, and a shot of lemon/lime vodka (I like Smirnoff Citron, as…
  • Just do it. I skipped a full week of working out because I was too tired. I woke up today, put my gym clothes on and just did it, even though I wasn't up to it. Once I got there and started, I wasn't as exhausted and unwilling. I'm super sore now though, which I absolutely hate. If you hate cardio, maybe you should just do…
  • My goal is to not drink if it will put me over my calorie limit. Also, I'd like to cut back from 6-7 days of drinking a week to...4-5 days. It's unhealthy how much/often I drink. I think it's unrealistic for me to say I'm not going to drink for the full month. I'd like to try that down the road, but I think I'm more likely…
    in July Goals? Comment by bixa July 2012
  • Hello. I just joined this group and figured I ought to introduce myself. I'm a 23 year old woman and I have about 40 pounds I need to lose. Unfortunately, I've gained like...8 pounds in the past two months. I'm attributing this greatly to being out of school and not working early. Thus, I can stay up late and drink. My…