

  • run in sunglasses - you never feel quite so "exposed" when your eyes are hidden.
  • Shakes used to make me wanna throw, as someone said previously i think its mostly down to the thickeners. However i tried Rego Recovery which is so much easier on the gut - I swear by it. Failing that, boil 6 eggs and kepe them in the fridge and throw a couple in your bag when you're off to the gym.
  • Will give it a whirl, thanks for taking the time.
  • I havent seen your diary but if you're feeling hungry you need to add protein to your diet - its a guaranteed filler. Obviously cheese isnt the best option, but lean chicken, fish, tinned tuna, boiled eggs etc. They'll fill you up allowing you to ditch the carbs and increasing your energy. :-)
  • What is the program and where do i find it, please?
  • make sure you're eating good fuelling calories - protein rather than carbs where you can.
  • This is going to be hard to accept but its jealousy. People are jealous of your determination to change, firstly because they havent got the willpower to do the same themselves (i.e not eating junkfood, going to the gym religiously) and secondly because they like the "comfortable" you - if you've got your own battles with…
  • Porridge oats and skimmed milk at 7am - good fuel, slow release of energy. Then should you get hungry before "lunch", keep some boiled eggs handy and just eat the whites - fill you up and good proteins. This works for me as I like to eat every couple of hours (little and often as they say) as I find the gap from breakfast…
  • Just remember, you dont want another "day one" and let that be your motivation to stick with it. It's there for teh taking, so grab on and dont look back!
  • I'm no doctor but I would imagine its been set by MFP for a reason. I often undereat from the calories set and it explains that eating too few cals puts you into starvation mode so you retain your weight/metabolism slows down. If it were me, I'd stick nearer the limit they've set - you're not just a little under, you're…