will someone have a quick look at my diet

Hi 8 days in and so far so good. Bloody hungry though. Bit worried that although I;m keeping calories down, I'm also keeping protein, fibre etc intake down. does this diet look remotely healthy. I;m planning on losing about 35lbs in 6 months.



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Your diary isn't public :)
  • galey2000

    thank you for telling me. I forgot to click save changes its ok now!
  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    I can't see it - I think you have to make your page more open or sign up some friends - not sure.
  • shollet
    shollet Posts: 12
    I havent seen your diary but if you're feeling hungry you need to add protein to your diet - its a guaranteed filler. Obviously cheese isnt the best option, but lean chicken, fish, tinned tuna, boiled eggs etc. They'll fill you up allowing you to ditch the carbs and increasing your energy.

  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    You definitely aren't eating enough and looks like you are getting most of your calories now from carbs and sugar.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I can see it, the first thing I noticed is a high amount of carbs and processed food. I'd probably eat more protein as well, some days (like today) you are only having two grams of protein in the morning. Looks like you are drinking some of your calories as well, i tend to stick to water and I eat my calories. I'd try to get eat a higher protein breakfast, such as one egg and two egg whites. Switch out the bread you are eating for Nickels brand (only 35 calories a slice, whole grain). Slowly get the Starbucks, cookies, ice cream, and cheese out of your daily diet and use only as a treat once a week. My goal is to eat well 90% of the time and treat 10% of the time.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    I havent seen your diary but if you're feeling hungry you need to add protein to your diet - its a guaranteed filler. Obviously cheese isnt the best option, but lean chicken, fish, tinned tuna, boiled eggs etc. They'll fill you up allowing you to ditch the carbs and increasing your energy.


    Ditching carbs will increase energy? I would have thought the opposite effect would take place. Although I do think that upping protein is a great idea ;-)
  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    I've found it, my fault, had't seen the button there (still finding my way round the site).
    It looks like your worst time is in the evening. Do you sit watching TV and find you want to snack? Personally I have a large mug of hot chocolate, the 40 calories kind, which fills me up and takes away the sweet cravings. Or some mini meringues with fresh fruit and creme fraiche or 0% Greek yoghurt poured over.
  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    i agree with some of the other posts...reducing the sweets and processed foods in you diet will help you be sucessful. also i don't know how often you are eating but it is important to eat regularly thoughout the day- breakfast, am. snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and mabye another small snack...evenly distributing your calories throughout your day will keep your blood sugar levels even, increase your metabolism, keep you from binging/overeating. it is proven science...your body is like a furnace and if you keep the fire stoked, it will burn bright and efficiently! start by swapping out some of your "treats" with high fiber carbs, and lean proteins- fruit, veggies, 100% whole wheat carbs, low fat string cheese, hardboiled eggs, plain greek yogurt. once you gt sugar out of your system, your taste palate will change and you will crave less and less sweet!
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    What do you currently weigh and how tall are you. This seems okay-ish.. Try drink more water and try figure out why you gained weight in the first place. That was the biggest AH-HA moment for me. I thought I was doing great and reached a point where I was struggling to lose. I need to limit my take-out (even if it was within my cals) to once a week and only drink diet soda.
    And I had to UP my water intake..

    You should try drink more water if you can too..
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    It isn't healthy but it sounds like your Doctor has told you to lose weight but hasn't given you any support with the how! If you would like some help with your meal planning - I don't mind pointing you in the right direction!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Eating more protein would be a great start - try almonds, Greek yogurt, 1tbsp of peanut buttet, eggs. Some carbs and a good amount of protein in the morning is good. Try and eat more veggies too. Try steamed or stirfry on the stove with shrimp, chicken, some lean meat.

    Also, drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water a day.
  • robinkea
    robinkea Posts: 2 Member
    try having protein at every meal and snack
  • galey2000

    Think thats the prolblem, I'm just workibng out what I can eat from the database and sticking to what I know is low cal and occassionally splurging on starbucks, cookies etc. Any advice appreciated. I'm 5' 11 (178 cm) and weighing in at 15stone 2 at the moment. I guess I'm getting down the gym a klot so I can increase my intake. Agree I need to reduce the drink intake . I also realise my protein is down a bit, I guess I'm struggling to find high protein low fat foods. Thanks for all the advice. my body's telling me somethings not quite right, put it down to the weight loss. To summarise... I need to cut down on drinks, cut out the cookies and processed foods, increas my protein and reduce my carbs. Is this correct?

    Guess I put the weight on, as someone pointed out, by eating loads in the evenings. I'm ok when I;m busy, when I stop I think food. Started reading books and trying to go to gym which is ok on my time off but really struggle after work, More self discipline needed I think

    Thanks again
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Would it help to give you actual meal ideas? For instance, breakfast for me is one full egg, two egg whites scrambled with one slice of whole grain Nickel bread (plain) and a tablespoon of salsa for a little zing along with a scoop of protein powder blended with water and crushed ice. i also have a cup of coffee with splenda and low fat creamer. Morning snack is a 1/2 cup of blueberries, and a container of Oikos greek yogurt. Lunch is usually a side salad and 1 cup of turkey chili. Pre-gym is a another scoop of protein powder with 8 oz of skim milk and then dinner is usually 4-5 oz of chicken or fish and a cup of veggies. A great source of protein is pumpkin seeds, or almonds, or walnuts. Tuna is great for protein as well. I hope these ideas help.
  • galey2000
    Hi,yep, thats a bit different to what I'm doing. I have time issues on a morning, hence cereal I'm in the uk so I'm not sure what nickel bread is. I'm trying to stay off supplements ,can you reccomend an alternative to protein shakes?
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    If it helps, you can cook the eggs the night before and just heat them in a microwave, you can also mix in onions, peppers, mushrooms. Instead of Nickel bread perhaps 1/2 an english muffin. I have no suggestions for an alternative to the protein shakes, I love mine, its as close to chocolate as I get every day :)
  • galey2000
    Thats great stuff, thanks for all your advice. I'll try thre protein shakes, might help wean me off chocolate!

    Thanks again