

  • Thank you so much. I am making progress and Im going to keep it up no matter what the scale says. I do feel a difference in my body and people have comment on it so the scale is not the total picture. I just use it to get a general idea.
  • I had thyroid cancer in 2001. I had half of my thyroid removed. When I was put on thyroid meds. The low dose was fine. My doctor kept moving the dosage up. I got where I couldn't function. So I quit taking the meds. I had to get my levels checked every six months. I have done well until now. I actually believe that my…
  • So will you always gain after you exercise and when will you start losing fat. Also then why do they exercise before they weight on the biggest loser?
  • I am a c and want to keep it that way. mine are perfect. not too big not too little. I have a nice butt too that I do not want to get rid of. I just my little muffin top to go away. It doesn't hang it is tight just poochie and I want it gone but do not know if I will sacrifice the rest. I am exercising my whole body this…
  • Thank you
  • Ok finally someone who understands me.I do nto undstand why but if my I get a flat stomache then I have no boobs.right now I still have beautiful boobs but if i get to my desired weight I may lose them. I did before.I posted about this but nobody understood me. before I gained a little just to get the boobs back and i will…
  • I know how you feel. I have been eatting healthy and exercising everyday. I am gaining. I thought well maybe i need to change up my exercise and guess what?... another pound. Maybe it is muscle tone because my pants are getting tight and I see mucle tone but I want to lose and then just tone. But when I tried cardio and no…
  • Ice cream and tater tot casserole
  • I do not eat them but I an curious about the results of the people that do..
  • Great! I can't wait to watch
  • Thanks that helped a lot...