PLEASE HELP-Why am I NOT shedding any pounds????



  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I have lost some weight, but not as much in the past month as I would like. However, I have asked myself, "Do you feel good?", "Do you have more energy?", "Are you making healthy choices?", "Do your clothes fit better?"

    If I can answer yes to all of those, then I try not to let the numbers on the scale get me down.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I looked at your diary from Jan 30 to Feb 3. You are way low on fiber, due to the amount of processed food you are eating, and on the last 2 days I looked at, your sodium was around 2400 mg for each day. 1500 is a better number to shoot for, but you have to stay away from processed food in order to achieve that objective.

    You obviously have the motivation to put forth the effort, so give yourself a greater chance of success by improving your nutritional choices.
    Good luck.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Where are the fruits and veggies in your diet??? Replace the chips with fruit. Try to get at least 2 fruits and 3 veggies in per day!!! Good luck, and keep at it. Definately diet needs tweaking!
  • mercedes160
    I know you are frustrated, but from looking at your food dairy, it looks like you are eating too much carbs, fat, sugar, even though you are working out everyday if you are not watching what you are eating, you will not lose weight, the two goes hand and hand. from looking at just few days of your diary your snack foods consist of pototoe chips, cookies, candy bars and candy, you are drinking sodas, hot chocolate, eating, mac and cheese, rice, dinner roll the same day that is a lot of carbs , remember unhealthy carbs convert to sugar, you need to increase your water intake and drink low calorie drinks. The secret to losing weight is that you have to eat healthy, and have healthy snacks for example fruit, salads, grilled or baked foods, more vegetables , what I do is pick one day out of the week for splurge day, you may want consider that., you are doing really good on your workouts, just have to incorprate betting eating plan. and you should see results. Hope this helps I requested you as a friend
  • sham0968
    I know how you feel. I have been eatting healthy and exercising everyday. I am gaining. I thought well maybe i need to change up my exercise and guess what?... another pound. Maybe it is muscle tone because my pants are getting tight and I see mucle tone but I want to lose and then just tone. But when I tried cardio and no strength. I did not like the way I look.
  • lEEAVii20
    lEEAVii20 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks everyone! HAHA. I definitely didn’t know my diet was viewable, but now I’m glad it was so that I could receive the honest answers I truly needed. It is so very true that I eat a lot of crap. I guess it better said that I am cheating myself. YES my calorie intake is lower BUT it is the quality. I eat what I eat because it seems convenient. I lost 20 pounds at one point eating whatever I wanted in moderation like now and exercising and I see myself doing that again (but this time the results are nowhere near the same). I guess it was just the result of me being an 18 year old daily busy body then, but now at 20, I work 6:45 to 5:30 sitting at a desk all day. I go to the gym afterwards then eat and sleep. When I was an estimated 250 and first started dieting and exercising years ago I remember I stopped eating foods with preservatives and that helped a lot. It’s like know the right things to do because I have done it before but now I guess I’m trying to find the easy way out, cheating with the quality of my calories just because I saw results before. Obviously that’s not going to cut it now.