My boobs are disappearing!!



  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    from b to shopping in the training bra section... if it weren't for push-up bras, i'd have no boobs at all!
  • Learn what cloths flatter a small bust line and you will still get oohs and ahhs! Plus they will all be jealous of your six pack! Good luck with your weight loss.
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    I could stand for my girls to go away some!
  • ugh i need for the girls to go out for a while and never come back!!!! I HATE being a 44G
  • I'm a 36E and I've only lost 12 lbs but they actually look even bigger since my stomach is getting smaller. I'm hoping that the boobs will be the last place to lose it....I'm scared I will lose mine but a full D or small D will be fine with me!
  • mvedas
    mvedas Posts: 69
    Why can't the thighs go first? Those are all fat, too. Why does it have to be the boobs!
  • sham0968
    sham0968 Posts: 17 Member
    I am a c and want to keep it that way. mine are perfect. not too big not too little. I have a nice butt too that I do not want to get rid of. I just my little muffin top to go away. It doesn't hang it is tight just poochie and I want it gone but do not know if I will sacrifice the rest. I am exercising my whole body this time so I will see what happens.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    so funny. Just yesterday at work I looked at 2 of my friends and said even though I've lost only 12 pounds..I think my boobs are shrinking. I know along with my weight loss will be the sad loss of my cute C cup boobs, but really, if the rest of me looks better, and I feel better, then what does it matter. They'll still be cute, although maybe a tad smaller :)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm a 36E and I've only lost 12 lbs but they actually look even bigger since my stomach is getting smaller. I'm hoping that the boobs will be the last place to lose it....I'm scared I will lose mine but a full D or small D will be fine with me!

    Mine are a 36D and they look bigger too. And the last couple of days they're starting to hurt when I exercise unless I wear ONE specific bra. The running part of my workout today hurt like heck, so I had to run in my livingroom with my hands covering my boobs!
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    Mine are too...i didnt notice so much at first but now all my Victoria's Secrets are loose....way loose around the front and back..:grumble: .ugh! I hope this big bum balances the loss in the! One of the drawbacks to loosing weight I guess, but I will take it! :bigsmile:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    There's no cosmetic condition that can't be resolved with the proper application of enhancement surgery.
  • I would love to have this happen. I hate my boobs and I wouldn't care if I was flat chested.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Mine have all but disappeared! I was a lovely perky 34E, am now a deflated 30B.

    Can't believe i'm going to say this but I'm opting for a boob job, never thought i'd have one (never thought i'd need one!) But it's definitely something i'll be doing before summer. I've tried to start preparing the family and friends for the fact that one day i'll turn up with bigger chest lumps! It's a hard one to bring in to conversation but I'm not great at being the centre of attention so I figure if I start planting the idea in their heads they won't be too shocked when it happens. I'm thinking 30D as I have the excess skin for it!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I went from a J to a DDD..I'm perfectly happy with it. My boyfriend is a little sad though. :)
    I wouldn't mind getting some of the extra skin removed though.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    Ever open a bag of potato chips only to find it 1/2 empty? Now you know how guys feel about padded bras. Just sayin'.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Yikes mine too. Went from a DDD to BARELY D. Aside from missing my assets, the results are...not awesome. Deflated balloons. :(
    Too funny, but too true. Mine are the same way, deflated! Went from a DD to a barely C
  • I'm a 36E and I've only lost 12 lbs but they actually look even bigger since my stomach is getting smaller. I'm hoping that the boobs will be the last place to lose it....I'm scared I will lose mine but a full D or small D will be fine with me!

    Mine are a 36D and they look bigger too. And the last couple of days they're starting to hurt when I exercise unless I wear ONE specific bra. The running part of my workout today hurt like heck, so I had to run in my livingroom with my hands covering my boobs!

    hahah I used to do that when I was growing up...mainly in high school when my mom didn't want to invest in good sports bras, but now I can afford pretty good sports bras and it's handled...but yeah sometimes they'll hurt and I really don't want them to start sagging...
  • Cant wait to see mine go and it is slowly happening. I cant wait til I can buy pretty bras rather than hammocks!!
  • tara473
    tara473 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am laughing a the 'deflated balloons' comment! I totally hear you! This happens to me everytime I lose weight...but this time it seems to be slower coming off this area. Could it be that I am approaching 40???
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    This is what I am dreading. I was 100 lbs when I graduated high school and was a very small A. I am now 159 lbs and a D and I really don't want to lose them - I love having the girls. Please please please stay!! :P
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