I am proud that I turned away (blank)....today!



  • I'm proud that I passed on some very very seductive brownies today! I saw them and made a quick exit after grabbing my green tea.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I really really REALLY want a Kit Kat bar.

    Started my TOM yesterday, and I've been obsessed with the idea of eating one ALL DAY.

    There's a pharmacy just across the street from where I work, too. Could have made a quick trip across the street during my lunch break... but didn't. Ate soup instead.

    It helps that it's so freaking cold outside! :)
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I had a Butterfinger candy bar for a snack, and then the craving was SATISFIED! No sugar binge ensued, had a healthy dinner and stayed within recommended calorie allotment! SUCCESS!
  • xinzya
    xinzya Posts: 15
    OMG- a co-worker was passing out Dove chocolate today- one of my weaknesses- and I turned it down- knowing I would have to put it on my calories and work it off later- I opted for a chocolate fiber bar instead
  • lgeren
    lgeren Posts: 45
    Today I was proud that I turned away Dr Pepper.....my #1 weakness. I have a 2 liter sitting in my fridge & everyday I look at it & think "well just one glass" but know that I don't need it. I have 2 more days until I've been 2 full weeks without any & I plan to meet my goal.
  • sham0968
    sham0968 Posts: 17 Member
    Ice cream and tater tot casserole
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I turned away nothing today, but I stayed under my calories. Cookies and milk was sooooo worth the extra 45 minutes at the gym. :smile:
  • Hi...Great topic....

    I work nights at a power plant, and coffee is this full-on CULTURE...A huge pitfall of mine has become flavored coffee creamers...all those lovely varieties! (chemically created of course)..

    I've counted the calories, and it can add up to literally the high hundreds, or even thousands of extra calories per day

    So.....I bought 1 % milk, and splenda, and I've had 2 cups tonight with NO CHEMICAL CREAMER!

    I'm proud of myself....9 more hours to go :)
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    Hi...Great topic....

    I work nights at a power plant, and coffee is this full-on CULTURE...A huge pitfall of mine has become flavored coffee creamers...all those lovely varieties! (chemically created of course)..

    I've counted the calories, and it can add up to literally the high hundreds, or even thousands of extra calories per day

    So.....I bought 1 % milk, and splenda, and I've had 2 cups tonight with NO CHEMICAL CREAMER!

    I'm proud of myself....9 more hours to go :)

    Great job! I started drinking more coffee since it supresses my apetite...and actually used Peppermint light whip cream instead of creamer...only 15 cals for 2 tbsp. Yes, "CHEMICALS " I'm sure...but great alternative to high cal creamer :)

    I was on a no chemical kick for a while...you would be suprised how many chemicals are in processed "anything!" crazy.
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    Not food-related, but today I'm proud that I turned away laziness. When my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning I did NOT want to get up to do my workout -- especially with a sleeping hubby and animals surrounding me -- but I knew I'd regret it later today if I kept sleeping. Made for such a better day getting up and getting my workout in =)
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    oh. my. gosh. i went to my favorite local italian restaurant with some work peeps and they ordered a couple appetizers for the table -- bruschetta made with goat cheese (yum!) and something cheesy and gooey called mozzarella en carozza (double yum!). i passed on both and stuck with a single slice of cheese pizza and a small salad.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    Awwww! So proud of you guys! Good to see I am not the only one proud of saying no today LOL
  • Nice...

    I really like peppermint-flavored stuff....I'm going to look for some of that!
  • I was at Vons buying a salad for lunch and almost reached out for a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup candy!!!!! It was so tough because my mouth had already started watering. It was just sitting there next to the check out stand screaming, "BUY ME/ EAT ME!"
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Chocolate and what would have been my second coffee of the day!
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member

    I really like peppermint-flavored stuff....I'm going to look for some of that!

    Not sure if you have a Dominicks...I'm in IL....but they had it there. I'm sure any grocery store has it. :)
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    Yay...a new day! I kinda love seeing my calories reset everyday...feels like a fresh start :)

    So far no donuts or anything to say no to in the office LOL How are yours going so far?
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I'm glad I didn't give in to laziness either. I didn't want to exercise today and although I didn't do alot I did get some in
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    like an earlier poster - i said no to sleeping in........I got out of bed at 5:30 and worked out!! a first for me! I threw out chocolates that were sitting in my kitchen that I was continually eating just because they were there.......and I declined snacks at work this morning that someone brought in.............Yesterday was not so good, but today I feel back on track.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    Ah yes, it happened again today. At work....they had a bday with cake. My coworker baked it and we counted up the cals...9900 for the whole cake!

    So I am proud that I said NO today to the work Bday cake! haha
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