

  • I love Harley Pasternak's 5 Factor Fitness. It's great because it's only 3 exercises a day and it only takes about 30 mins. I love anything that's fast, simple and effective. Plus, it's the same program he uses when he trains J.Lo, Halle Berry, etc... Check it out!
  • I have it set to record, and I can't wait to see what happens! :tongue:
  • I also forgot to tell you in my message that I posted some pictures of my meals I've made on my profile. I've lost 11 pounds in a months time and I don't feel like I've been restricted at all. I take a cheat day once a week, do 20 mins of dumbbell exercises 5 days a week, and walk with my baby in his carrier for at least…
  • Welcome! This site has made a huge difference for me. Knowing that my food and exercise diaries are published everyday helps me stay within my limits. It's also nice knowing others are going through something similar. Good luck and I hope to hear more about your success!
  • Did you enter it separately from the cardio you did?
  • Yes, your husband is right, there will usually be someone like this at every job. If it's not this particular situation it will probably be a similar one.
  • you may want to look into a hydrostatic test to find out what your true BMI is. When you've been working your *kitten* off and eating right your muscle to fat ratio is definitely increasing even though your weight may be at a plateau I can guarantee you that you're getting skinnier! The scale is not always your best…
  • Hey there, Had to tell you I enjoyed reading your "about me". It's nice to hear that there are other people going through the same types of challenges when it comes to leading a balanced life. Diet is the hardest part for me as well, that's why I love because of the food/exercise tracker. I also love junk food, but…
  • Hey there, I used to work for a training company with all men and this was common. Most of the time they really just didn't pay attention to who was working around them because they were watching their form in the mirrors, and if someone needed to rotate in they expected them to say something. I think this is pretty true…