This is it!

Hi! My name is Becky. I'm the mom on the right in my profile photo. :)

I've been on Myfitnesspal in the past under a different name but I wanted to start over fresh. I've been up and down with my weight so many times over the past five or so years! Now, here I am and I am ready to finally, finally get down to where I want to be. But this time, my focus is more on health than on what the scale says. It's about peace and balance and what feels right for me. I don't feel good at this weight. I don't feel good the way I have been eating and I haven't been working out as much as I have before. I've learned about MUFAs and protein. I'm going to incorporate these things into my new way of living!

A little about me: I am married with four children, ages 15, 12, 5, and almost 3. Girl, boy, boy, girl. :) I started working from home in early 2005 and lost that job in July 2009 so I have been HOME for quite a while. It's been good to focus on the kids. Thinking about going back to work outside of the home sometime soon but not in a hurry. I'd like to be home as long as it's possible for us.

When I get some free time, I love to read. I feel like it's a "guilty pleasure" because there is always something else I "should" be doing, but I'm getting better at letting myself have that time.

For exercise, I love to walk or run. I have a Trikke (see if interested in what that is) and I LOVE riding on it but don't get to often. I've started P90X five or six times in three years but only ever got as far as Week 9 before something distracted me (with four kids, it happens a lot!). I've also done Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred a few times. Both programs are great for muscle toning and I have seen GREAT results; they just could have been better if I had stuck to a better diet!

My biggest challenge with losing weight is diet. I admit freely that I eat when I am bored and when I am angry, and I get a lot of cravings. I don't have a lot of willpower!! It's easier for me to run and run and work out and burn 1,000 or more calories a day than to resist foods I shouldn't eat. :( Now that I'm very aware of this, I have decided to really focus on getting INTO my body all the foods I need and hopefully I will be less likely to eat the junk.

My family doesn't eat out much, and I try to get the little ones outside and running around as much as I can every day. In those ways, we're probably healthier than a lot of American families...but we could do better. I make sure my kids and I eat at least one egg every morning. I believe that's a great start to the day. Other than that, our meals are a lot of carbs and fat and I would like to work on that.

Well, gotta get going! My husband is watching the game and the kids are bothering him! Time to take them to a park. :)

Feel free to message me!



  • saraiwarren
    Hey there,
    Had to tell you I enjoyed reading your "about me". It's nice to hear that there are other people going through the same types of challenges when it comes to leading a balanced life. Diet is the hardest part for me as well, that's why I love because of the food/exercise tracker. I also love junk food, but lately what I've been doing is identifying what it is I keep craving that may not be considered "on my meal plan" like gelato, or brownies, etc...and I've been playing with the numbers on my food tracker to fit little indulgences in daily so that I am less likely to feel deprived and go off the wagon. I'm the queen of "I'll start fresh tomorrow" if I slip up a little so now I just plug in the numbers ahead of time to make room for the stuff I crave! I don't know if you already do this, but it is something that's made a huge difference to me I wanted to share it with you! I look forward to reading more about your successes.
  • omardragon
    good luck ! I've been through the roller-coaster of weight loss as for craving try to drink water/unsweet tea(bitter taste)/coffee(w/o suger) I admit i love food to and i'm too weak when i'm angry or stressed but you know what i learned that i just need to get over it and suck it up! until i stopped getting the craving.
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Becky!
    Welcome (back) to mfp. You're right, we do sound a lot a like! Except I have four pets, not four kids. ;) There is no way I could be losing any weight if it weren't for MFP. I, too, eat out of boredom, stress, etc... Since starting tracking on MFP two months ago, I've become surprisingly motivated about watching what I eat. I track every bite I put into my mouth with the MFP ap on my phone, and I even bought a food scale to make sure I am recording the correct numbers. It's been a real eye opener, for sure! I've lost almost all of my 15 lbs thus far through diet alone. I hurt my foot pretty severly and couldn't work out for awhile - but it's finally about healed so I've got to get motivated to exercise more. (It helps that the weather is nicer now, too!)

    Anyway - nice to "meet" you and thanks for the add!
