

  • I have Gastro Reflux / GERD. I have started to taking Pepcid AC and it seems to be helping, I can eat now..thankfully. And the past couple days I have eaten over my calories because I can now actually eat and I have been starving. Starting new and fresh tomorrow. Thanks to everyone (who actually understood my post). Hope…
  • Thanks..I think people did not really read my post correctly. I love food and sometimes go over my calories..this week has been rough on my stomach and I didn't expect to get beat up over this =(
  • thanks.. gosh I am getting beat up on here for not eating because I get sick when I do.
  • "I took a peek at your diary. You are not eating enough... I saw one day and you were, 495 calories for the day? You should be at a minimum of 1200. You are seriously putting yourself in danger eating as little as you do and I'm not surprised that you are having problems. If you are comfortable making yourself throw up I'd…
  • Whoaaaaa!.... I have not eaten a lot this week because I have been feeling sick!.. geez! I DO NOT have an eating disorder!!! Wow have you ever felt sick????..this has been going on a week now not anytime more. OMG.. you have a lot of nerve to try to tell me I have a disorder.. WOW so offended!
  • I am a HUGE Starbucks fan..especially around the colder months. Now that I am watching my calories.. I drink Venti Soy Cappuccino's with 2 splendas, they are only 140 calories.
  • Yes Hungry Girl is awesome! Website and Barnes and Noble.
  • I plan on rewarding myself because I deserve it & so do you. I set myself mini goals.. see below =) Good luck to you!
  • Whole pasta is BETTER than white pasta. Whole wheat pasta has bran, germ & endosperm. When pasta gets processed (white pasta) the wheat and the germ come off and the only thing left on the pasta is part of the endosperm. Bran and germ are important because of fiber.
  • Thanks everyone for your responses.. I realize that its a lifestyle change but I also don't want to deprive myself on the weekends. I think I may just pick up my works-out on the weekend. Wow I love this site..thanks for all the great advice.. everyone is so supportive =)
  • I am 5'9" aiming for 140.
  • If you go over your calorie intake.. don't worry about it!.. Everyone deserves a little cheat here and there. =) Just get back on track tomorrow.
  • I track it 50 mins = 500 calories burned.
  • My sister has had numerous abdomen surgeries (15 total in her lifetime) She believes that Pilates and Yoga had helped her..remember you need to build strength back in your core. Pilates and Yoga helps you strengthen and stretch your muscles and if you take classes you can ask your teacher to modify the moves. Pilates also…
  • Add me as a friend, see my meal and snacks etc. I have been doing this for only a week.. but I lost already 5lbs (I am sure a lot of it was water.) my husband has lost 7lbs since last week.:smile:
  • I love Zumba! I have done it 3x. Plan on doing it once a week.. it's a great workout. Curious to know how to add it too!