DeeMiss Member


  • Slow and steady! Bi woman, 32 from the MI :) Anyone can add me. No judgement here, and I wont delete you if you slip up. lol.
  • I've had that happen. Human here, I don't eat perfect. I slip up and have had days. I started out 280 something. I'm working on losing steady Add me:) I won't delete ya ;)
  • I will be 34 in a few months, and have at least 100lbs to lose. I'm at 265. My bday, and anniversary is in April. So I am hoping to be airplane comfortable by then ;). Please add me!
  • I understand the loss of control completely. I have also been struggling the last two weeks. First I found out my mother has cancer. Then I babysit for my older sister, and she would rather pick time and conveniance over her daughters stability and well being. That being said, I am not on great terms with either, since…
  • No change this week! Maybe after my Dr's visit, I will know why. Gonna press forward this week though :) Positive thoughts, positive outlook, positive results :)
  • I am in, it will help with my calories burn today!
  • Oh yes weigh in day SW-264 cw-263 GW-245 by New Years Good luck!! My challenge this week is 3500 calories burned.
  • I have been there. Last year I tipped the scale around 280. I worked out, used this site, and shed 40lbs. Then life got me busy--well After my wedding in august i decided to start anew, I am still overweight and need to be healthy. So I weighed myself --yeah 266. not so happy, I felt like I let myself down. But I feel good…
  • My weakness is garlic bread--I could eat an order of garlic bread from little caesars by myself (their pizza sucks, so I just ate bread) My usually Fast food meal, would be #1--(usually its the most popular) with a large sweet tea, or COke. But I love soda--i could drink 3-5 pops a day. I didn't binge usually, its just a…
  • I am usually on here daily, (although weekends just to check in!) Request sent
  • I'm down. I also do weekly challenges on my feed if anyone wants to add me. Current weight 264 Goal in 15 weeks-245 that's 19lbs down, a little over 1lb a week. I eat about 1650 calories a day, I aim for 400 calories burned a night. I too struggle to get up early and work out! (sleep is so nice!!) I work 8 til 7 most days,…
  • I agree! Work it out girl!
  • Hmmm. I don't know. Friends are there for support. Although sometimes I don't condone my friends actions or reaction to certain situations in there lives, listening is part of what friends do. I wouldn't cut someone off, or ask to change the subject unless it was an issue that was always the main topic. I think her yelling…
  • I gurantee no one has my name. DeeMiss Its is real! The story behind it, my parents saw it on some kind of liquor bottle, and modified it. Not sure which booze name it was originally, and I have never heard it anywhere else. I think they were big smokers back then:)
  • Atkins is always was has brought my weight down, but I am trying to be a little more healthy about it this time. I have a desk job so I bought a fitbit and am aiming for 10k- 15k steps every day. I am also trying to keep my calories less than 1300 or so and my carbs and sugar low too. My goal is to be around 170 in the…
  • Yay, I found it! Hi my name is DeeMiss, Iam 31, and I live in Taylor MI. I am currently 265, and I want to lose 66 pounds to start. I haven't been under 200lbs since high school at least. I used this site last year, and lost 20lbs, and it works. Life got in my way, but now I am back and motivated. I try very hard to…
  • Taylor :) Born and raised in Romulus, MI
  • You also lost the weight of that jerk holding you down! Congrats on losing that! I am recently married, I used to use this site alot and stopped. It did work! Life got in my way. Wedding planning, job change, etc.. All the excuses. But I am back, and kids are next on the list. But I need to lose some weight! . I haven't…
  • I just bought one too! I should be here any day. :)
  • oh yes, and skydiving, you have to be below 230 for some places, but 200 for others :)
  • Sending you a request. And anyone else, feel free to add. I am 5'4, and between 250-265 (my weigh in isn't til wed...yikes!) I did this last year, and it worked great, and now I am back and motivated more than ever. I do weekend challenges, and mon-fri challenges. I post them on my feed, and they are meant for me at my…
  • I am intrigued, because my maiden name is Wood. Feel free to add me :)
  • welcome!
  • This sounds good, I am going to have to try it!
  • 31, and 5'4, at 260lbs. I need to lose 75 plus! Feel free to add me, I am also doing some mini week challenges via my feed. In case anyone needs some extra motivation as well. (I know I sure do!!) I am sending you a request. Anyone else feel free to add!
  • ALRIGHT! anyone who wants to do a weekly mini challenge (nothing crazy) Feel free to add me, I will be posting one every sunday night, until OCTOBER! And pop challenge-this weekend (FRI-SUN) 100 jumping jacks, ALONG with your reg workout. JJacks should be extra for the day Good luck! Add me, because I will be posting these…
  • Hi! I will send you a request. I have at least 100 pounds to lose, and every day is a battle. I will encourage, and I don't delete.
  • sending a request :) I know what you mean:)
    in Help! :) Comment by DeeMiss August 2012
  • I have a flavor water technique, and I love it! 1 pitcher 2 sliced apples 2 whole cinnamon sticks and 1 orange put all ingrediants in the pitcher, fill with water and let sit in fridge for about 2 hrs. Serve over ice! Great alternative for plain water, and it is supposed to be a natural metabolism booster! (you could use…