elcy Member


  • Hey you guys, the 90's called, they want their outdated dietary advice back.
  • Even Harvard agrees that the "Calories In/Calories out" model is flawed, how foods are metabolized absolutely does change based on what you are consuming. I'm not saying that your 2 drinks a week is completely throwing off your weight loss, but I'm commenting because several folks on here seem to think it's that simple.
  • Almost 70% of the population is now overweight and guess when that started... in the 80's when the government food pyramid came out with the suggested 6-11 servings of carbs. In the 70's, before the "healthy whole grain' craze less than 16% of the population was overweight or obese.
  • I am saying that the poor quality of the food I was eating in the past put my body in an insulin resistant/pre-diabetic state, causing my body to retain more fat. Insulin is a fat-storing hormone, the more of it that circulates in the body the harder it becomes to burn body fat When you consider that 25.8 million children…
  • On the standard American diet I gained steadily despite calorie restriction, and became pre-diabetic on a diet of "healthy whole grains", lean meat and vegetables. The last year I have eaten primarily paleo(not necessarily low carb) which upped my calories about 500-1000 a day in mostly fat, gained 3 pounds LBM and lost 25…
  • Seriously?? Try google or go to the library!
  • Oh no, this routine is horrible, her form is horrible, and if you use more than 3 lbs you will get hurt! Go out to youtube, search for "keiranewtonDKB". Keira does excellent tutorials on the basics such as the swing and the snatch, those are your two cario/fat burning moves. She also give you simple 15-20 minute effective…
  • Avoid Jillian, she'll make sure you hurt yourself with her kettlebell moves. Go to youtube, there are probably thousands of videos from certified kettlebell instructors, you won't even need a DVD. Also, 10lbs will get boring really quickly, I have been doing kettlebells for only 2 months and I just started doing swings…
    in kettlebell Comment by elcy March 2012
  • "lifting" type KB exercises will not get you into your target heart rate. From what I know, only the swing and the snatch if done for longer periods of time will become aerobic and anaerobic work.
  • Here is some information on how you can hurt yourself using kettlebells which discusses Jillian's horrible form: http://joshsgarage.typepad.com/articles/2009/04/open-letter-to-celebrity-tv-trainers.html
  • Stay away from the Jilian Michaels kettlebell workouts, you will hurt yourself, her form and instruction are HORRIBLE. Google it and you'll see what certified kettlebell instructors say about it. Youtube has a nearly inexhaustible number of videos with certified instructors giving tutorials and suggestions on workouts, use…