Kettlebell exercise routine?

Hi everybody,

I need some help, I have a kettlebell and a kettlebell DVD workout but I wanted to know if anybody has a routine I can just pring off and follow?

Sounds daft as I have a DVD but it would be so much easier if I could just have something I could follow whenever and wherever I am.

Thanks :) xx


  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Hi, I use this one from Women's Health. It has a video so you can make sure your form is good, but then it has pictures you can print out and follow. Hope you like it!
  • elcy
    elcy Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I use this one from Women's Health. It has a video so you can make sure your form is good, but then it has pictures you can print out and follow. Hope you like it!

    Oh no, this routine is horrible, her form is horrible, and if you use more than 3 lbs you will get hurt!

    Go out to youtube, search for "keiranewtonDKB". Keira does excellent tutorials on the basics such as the swing and the snatch, those are your two cario/fat burning moves.

    She also give you simple 15-20 minute effective workouts while demonstrating proper technique.

    PLEASE avoid the women's mag routines and even Jillian Michaels and go with an RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) certified instructor.