MissT02 Member


  • Thanks for sharing! I'll have to look into that! I appreciate you sharing your story, thank you :)
  • Thank you! I do try to remind myself that my progress has always been slower, and adjust my expectations. Thanks for the reassurance :)
  • Thanks for sharing! The struggle is defintely real! I may look into getting my insulin checked, thank you!
  • I'm trying to get better, I used to use mfp religiously and then I quit all together, so I'm defintely trying to get better at logging. Dinner has always been a struggle to log because I don't have a lot of time in the evening unless it's a super easy recipe I've tracked before. Thanks for the advice!
  • Thanks that's very helpful! I was logging the same on mfp, my non step activity was manually being entered. I thought that's what it said to do when I synced my fit bit since it's a non heart rate monitoring one. So it sounds like the consensus is to track my activity level as sedentary?
  • I wear a fit bit for my exercise, however it doesn't have the heart rate monitor, so I manually enter my exercise on MyFitnessPal. I do use a food scale to weigh my Foods, and when I enter in my foods on MyFitnessPal, I do make sure that they match what the label says. As far as if I eat my calories back, I think it would…
  • Jgnatca,Dragn77, and Maxit, sounds like we are in the same boats. Lol. Definitely losing 40ish lbs helped my knees, but seems like it will come and go. Definitely worse in winter, weather changes, and if I gain weight. I'm going to stick to riding my bike for now, but I would love to try zumba too! I've never tried it.…
    in Bad knees Comment by MissT02 March 2015
  • Thank you everyone for all the helpful advice! I appolgize for the vague statement that I have bad knees, but to be honest I haven't been to a DR to get them checked on what could be causing it, so I don't know how to be more specific...Thank you for the helpful comments back :)
    in Bad knees Comment by MissT02 March 2015
  • That's funny, I just did the same today! Except I didn't have the stroller, so I just logged 2.0 slow pace so I think if you bump it up that'll be about right!
    in The zoo... Comment by MissT02 March 2013